Sunday, April 25, 2004

YOU never really walk alone

I just had a conversatoin with someone the other day about being single/alone.

I just came to realise that really, no one is single at all, well okay most pple are not single.

What i am going to say is going to prove rather controversial so dun take it in the wrong manner.

We're never really alone, as long as we've got friends we're not alone really. "DUH!"

But the thing about being single is that because we have friends, we are never single?
why coz, if you are unattached it doesn't mean that you're devoid of emotions, especially the type that makes you attracted to other pple (actually, these feelings aren't just for singles really)

Yeah, so even if you are single, there's always that spark, that tiny ember glowing. who is it for or with is anyone's guess, but at any moment in time, you're close, closer than usual, to someone, anyone, being an ex, an aquintance, long lost friend or bussom buddy. YOu're never alone, and never single.

What prompted me to say this i have NO IDEA heh

oh well. one more week to road relay, hopefully my legs hold till then, and that we get a good result.

today's lesson is about greed and pride

Hello my loyal viewers, heh

Okay this week, we shall discuss

There are mainly two character qualities, Greed and Pride.

Greed :
1 Tim 6: 9-10
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. SOme people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

FOr greed we turn to the Matthew 20 : 1-16
In the parable of the Workers in the VIneyard we see the generosity of the wineyards owner to those who worked less. In a nutshell he paid the same wages to those who worked the whole day and for those who worked for an hour.
when it came to collecting wages, the ones who worked longer complained as to why everyone was paid the same but the owner pointed out that they ahd agreed to work for what he paid them and that he was not being unfair. In fact he asked if "Or are you envious becaused i am generous?"

When we see others being generous we tend to get jealous of the recipeints. we grumble and we compare. Many a times we tell ourselves that we shouldn't grumble or compare, but ti's inevitable. Jesus recommends another solution.

To overcome greed and envy ( which is basically the greed of having something that is not yours) is pretty sequential

First, we should focus on the generosity of the giver. Once we focus on that, we forget what the giver has given to others and instead will become grateful to the giver. Even if what they give may be small or just plain what you deserved it is still a give rather than an entitlement. Once we are grateful we will automatically be content because we have recognised that we are blessed rather than deprived.

Simple right?

As for the giver, we gain from the investment that we put into others when we are generous!

Now for Pride.

In Matt 20 : 20-28 we read of the john and jame's mother asking jesus to put her sons at his right and left hand in heaven making the other disciples indignant at her audacity and ultimately jealous. And as jesus answered her, that she did not know what she was asking, in the end james would be beheaded and john boiled in oil before being exiled, their subsequent versus that deal with being the first and last could have something to do with their sufferings but that is another matter.

In this passage, the disciples' anger stemmed from the fact that they only looked at the issue at surface level, the issue of greatness and did not see the deeper issue of servant hood. That is why when jesus called them together, he was quick to point out that even though on earth, those who are great lord it over their subjects, the truth is quite the opposite in heaven.

For in heaven where jesus will sit on the right hand of God, jesus would not have been a king on earth but a servant. one who would humble and deliver his life into his enemies as a token for their sin.through this jesus is already recommending the path to overcoming pride.

To overcome pride, we should focus on service:

when we invest in other's lives by serving them, we are yielding our right as individuals. and the yielding of such rights is very powerful.

A simple illustration is with forgiveness. In forgiving others, we are actually yielding our right to see to it that justice is done for their wrongs. we are in a away serving them. But forgiving is easy for it is from the moral high ground.

The 7 most difficult words to say in the world are:" i was wrong, will you forgive me"

we litterally lay down our pride and recognise that we are at teh mercy of the one we seek forgiveness and thus ask for their forgiveness. As it is written in the Lord's prayer " Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors." Matt 6:12

There is great power in asking for forgiveness and in forgiving. In the many times that Jesus healed the sick, many of them came to him asking not for healing but for forgiveness, and how did Jesus reply? He healed them but not of their illness directly but he forgave their sin and in so doing forgave them.

Likewise, if we wish to be forgiven by God, we too show extend our mercy

have a nice day

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

the rise and fall of my moustache

Yes people you heard it right. i grew a moustache. didn't shave for a week and i am proud to announce that i actually managed to cultivate a pretty decent sized moustache heh. anyhow as it stands, the moustache is gone, i had developed the disgusting habit of licking it while a ran and i dunno, i know the sweat is disgusting but.... okay shan't gross you out anymore. Anyhow i do have documented proof that i had it, took a picture with my webcam so yeah if you want to see it just ask.
you could just tell me that i look real dashing with facial hair and convince me not to shave again heh.

yup, so it came it shone it went. the life story of moi facial hair. now perhaps i could find some way to make my arm hair either grow evenly or not grow at all. some of you might remember that the hairs on my wrist have this strange ability to hold charge and subsequently give those around me quite a shock.

well just another inanae entry!
have an nice day!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

eh........ shoot i actually forgot....... oh yeah!

This week i bring you another thought from church which i actually picked up on rather than falling asleep as usual anyhow just a little update on my life.

Not much has happened EXCEPT!
I HAVE A SISTER-IN-LAW! yah that's all heh
My bro just got engaged so yeah. AFTER 10 YEARS!

On with the serious stuff

Today we shall look at whether God shows in your life.


We look at Matthew 17-18 today.

We start with chapter 17 verse 14.

Previously, Jesus had empowered the disciples to perform miracles.
Let us examine the performing of miracles.
Miracles in our day and in days past, can only be performed in the name of the Lord. Jesus was no exception. Although he himself is GOD, Jesus relied on his faith in God to drive out demons etc. This was different from how the disciples did things.

Now you may think, that's not right, if the disciples could heal the sick, surely they must have great faith. True, they have great faith but not in God, but only in the gift that has been bestowed upon them. Likewise, we often rely on our earthly strengths and gifts that God has given us rather than to ultimately rely on God for all our dealings. There is a significant different in faith in talent and faith in God. That is why Jesus rebuked the disciples with regards to their faith simply because they had very litttle. The mustard seed is not bigger than the tip fo your pen, but within a year, it can grow into a six metre tall plant. So Jesus was not only talking about their little faith, but also what could be done with even a little faith if we had any! So do others see you as trusting God or yourself.

Next comes chapter 18 with regards to the greatest in heaven.
Here Jesus talks about humility and how we have to become as humble as a child when we approach him.
Humility can be looked at in two aspects.
The first aspect is the usual asian quality that most of us subscribe. when we get praised we say things like "aiyah no lah" etc. That is one way that we can approach God, for we know that in his presence we are nothing. Therefore we must approach in humility.

The second type, is humility to God's grace. Although as mentioned above we may decline adulation showered upon us, in private we soak up every ounce of it like our lives depended on it, and in many cases we do. But look at it from another point of view. Are we really responsible for the thigns we do or is God behind. Are our actions and successes our own works or the work of God? in humbling ourselves to God, we should also humble ourselves to his Will, that our lives are not for us to decide but for him to mould.

Do those around you see that God is directing your life?

Lastly we come to forgiveness.

We always talk about forgiving others and finally how much?
Here we see jesus say 77 times. Of course he doesn't mean 77 but rather as many as it takes. Coz by the time you count till 75 you would have probably lost count.
As in ths parable of the ungrateful servant, others always watch out for Christians, catching them when we are at our unGodliness!Are we as forgiving as we should be? are we showing the Godl attributes that we preach.

Think about it do others see Jesus in you?

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Hey there people! As you would have well guessed i'm just entering some songs that i like. SOme mean something like you only get what you give and this one some just don't make sense just sharing a bit of my hay wired world! enjoy!

Artist: Bare Naked Ladies
Song: Call And Answer

I think it's getting to the point
where I can be myself again
I think it's getting to the point
where we have almost made amends
I think it's the getting to the point
that is the hardest part.

And if you call, I will answer
and if you fall, I'll pick you up
and if you court this disaster
I'll point you home

You think I only think about you
when we're both in the same room
You think I'm only here to witness
the remains of love exhumed
You think we're here to play
a game of who loves more than whom

And if you call, I will answer
and if you fall, I'll pick you up
and if you court this disaster
I'll point you home

You think it's only fair to do what's
best for you and you alone
You think it's only fair to do the same
to me when you're not home
I think it's time to make this something that is
more than only fair

So if you call, I will answer
and if you fall, I'll pick you up
and if you court this disaster
I'll point you home.

But I'm warning you, don't ever do
those crazy, messed up things that you do
If you ever do
I promise you I'll be the first to crucity you
Now it's time to prove that you've come back
here to rebuild.

one more song!

Artist: New Radicals
Song: Someday We\'ll Know

90 miles outside Chicago
Can't stop driving
I don't know why
So many questions
I need an answer
Two years later
You're still on my mind
Whatever happened to Amelia Earhart
Who holds the stars up in the sky
Is true love once in a lifetime
Did the captain of the Titanic cry
Someday we'll know
If love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know
Why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know
Why I wasn't meant for you
Does anybody know the way to Atlantis
Or what the wind says when she cries
I'm speeding by the place where I met you
For the 97th time tonight
Someday we'll know
Why Samson loved Delilah
One day I'll go
Dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know
That I was the one for you
I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
I watched the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God just one question
Why aren't you here with me? Tonight
Someday we'll know
Why sampson loved Delilah
One day I'll go
Dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know
That I was the One for you
Postscript: Seeing you in February was great
Cliches eventually all come true
"time heals all wounds"
I went to get us our 9th drink
and you ran out the door with another guy
I woke up on the floor with my shoes on
A smile on my face and I didn't even care

Okay so it's very veyr weepy and SO unlike me but i like it! :)

my favourite artiste

Artist: New Radicals
Song: You only Get What You Give

Wake up kids
We've got the dreamers disease
Age fourteen
They got you down on your knees
So polite
You're busy still saying please
Who when you're down ain't your friend
Every night
We smash their mercedes-benz
First we run
And then we laugh till we cry
But when the night is falling
you cannot find the light (light)
If you feel your dreams are dying
Hold tight...

You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give

Im coming home baby
Your the tops
Give it to me now!

Four a.m. we ran a miracle mile
We're flat broke but hey we do it in style
The bad rich
God's flying in for your trial
But when the night is falling
You cannot find a friend (friend)
You feel your dream is breaking
Just bend...

You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget
We only get what we give

This whole damn world can fall apart
You'll be ok
Follow your heart
You're in harms way
I'm right behind
Now say you're mine...

You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget we only get what we give
Don't let go
I feel the music in you

Fly high
What's real can't die
You only get what you give
You're gonna get what you give
dont give up
Just dont be afraid to live :)

Health insurance rip off lying
F.D.A. big bankers buying
Fake computer crashes dining
Cloning while they're multiplying
Fashion shoots with beck and hanson
Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson
You're all fakes
Run to your mansions
Come around
We'll kick your ass in!!

Don't let go
One dance left
Don't give up
Can't forget

Postscript: Championed by a soulless media misleading
pople unaware they're bleeding
No one with a brain is believing
It's so sad you lost the meaning
Never knew it anyway
Human nature's so predictable
I'm a fool to do your dirty work whoa, whoa

just when you thought they had nothing better to sing

Artist: Blink-182 Lyrics
Song: I Miss You Lyrics

(I miss you miss you)

Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends

(I miss you I miss you)
(I miss you I miss you)

Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
The Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight

Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already
The voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)

Monday, April 12, 2004

going slightly more nuts

I am the messenger of JOY.
What qualifies me of this heralded post?
I am shrouded in the darkness. I am steeped in solitude and despair. I have lived so long in the recesses of the human mind that i have sought out every corner of the abyss that is pain.

I know the feeling of liberation and whenever i feel it, it is like a caustic potion poured out onto the boils of my skin, burning and scarring. It is that powerful,it is that strong, it overwhelms and engulfs. And i above all else know what JOY is. I know that it is the myrh of life, the incense that fills the soul, it is beyond a drug, it is beyond a need, it is practically life its very self. It not only drives the mind, body and soul, it is what makes you human.

THerefore, i take it upon myself to be the one who has to don on the winged sandals of Mercury. To run the everlasting journey, from place to place, mind to mind, heart to heart i will bring you news of your JOY. IT is my burden, it is my calling, it is what makes me ME.

Have you brought joy to someone today?

Okay yes, my brain is going a bit hay wire.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Something Crazy

Such a blessing to chance upon a moon in full bloom. To bast in the radiance of it's silver petals, long slender they be, stretching out like scarves blowing off the necks of people's necks in the autumn gale. I fell the delicate touch of fabric as a corner brushes my cheek. The moon, so bright, so opulent, yet its touch so much like the fragile gands of an infant. i'd pluck one for you madamme, but i dared not. This treasure is to be shared, not to be selfishly stolen for a private audience. I stop on my journey. and ponder. how many a heart has been turned by the magic that lies beneath the dazzling surface of the moon. What spells have been spun, what runes have been lain, what words whispered through, such that the addiction music of this nocturnal bloom freely through the air.. it wraps it tendrous fingers around the soul of man and woman, they are intoxicated with and drift hopelessly as their gaze is fixed upon the moon.

haha just being a bit nutty!

happy easter!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Hipsters and rainy days

Well as many of you know our little country has been experiencing some of the worst floods in recorded history. And what causes floods? RAIN!
well yeah and on to a totally unrelated topic. HIpster jeans.
I own a pair of VERY comfortable jeans, their a bit on the the baggy side and most definitely sit just nicely on my hips. Now i am no fashion slave as most of you would know so there is a reason as to why i have this pair of jeans. I used to be rather um... well endowed around the hip down region yes i was. so i bought jeans that fit me. now a few years on and with a vastly different lifestyle, well i've grown a lot leaner and as a result some articles don't fit as well! So here i am stuck with a perfectly good pair of jeans and so i can't throw them out so i wear them! DUH

as luck would have it everytime it rains i'm wearing this pair of jeans it rains. and somehow it's always on a sunday afternoon when i have to go home myself from church. andyeah the bus stop is some distance from my humble abode (blasted) and as i run and run and run, i get more and more wet. And yes jeans are heavy to start with. Throw in a bucket of water and well you get a rather soaked pair that weighs a ton. and there's a slope leading to my house that is rather steep and well running down it isn't much of a thrill but yes at the end of this very long sentence i shall get to the point. Just this afternoon, it rained, i was wearing THE PAIR and it got really heavy and man i felt so silly. The legs were just flapping about like a skirt goodness.

And well when i got home the expected happened. I slipped on the floor after taking off my shoes coz my wet jeans instanly created a puddle of water on the marble floor. SIGH..... oh well haha!

YUP that's about all from me just one inane little thing!

do have a nice day!

Thursday, April 01, 2004

mosquito bite on my lip

you know that once in a while we all get that very irritating bit on certain parts of your body that just totally itch all the way like maybe a toe joint, or inbetween fingers. yeah but ever had one on your blasted lip???!!!!
that;'s what i have now. the block is totally infested with mosquitos that i sleep with a blanket and the window's closed in 24 degree weather. extreme you say? well not when you wake up with over 25 bites in strategic places that i can't mentoin in full detail for fear of sounding obscene and well, life for the rest of the day is pretty much hell.

yup well just to update those of you overseas and that i haven't spoken to in ages because of my dead comp. i'm currently involved in NDP as assistant cue-master. FUN right? the only draw back is that i now know all the details about NDP and am a bonafide walking spoiler. hahah. oh well too bad. if oyu guys want to hear you can always ask me for some details.

okay to those of you who have blogs that i read. PLEASE email me your addresses coz i don't have access to my comp and i don't commit these things to memory so please please drop me a note including oyur email address which i would have un doubtedly lost as well. SHEESH. so pathetic. sorry.

YUP that's about all that i ahve to update now.
Love you all! hahah

and have a happy APRIL FOOLS!