Sunday, April 25, 2004

YOU never really walk alone

I just had a conversatoin with someone the other day about being single/alone.

I just came to realise that really, no one is single at all, well okay most pple are not single.

What i am going to say is going to prove rather controversial so dun take it in the wrong manner.

We're never really alone, as long as we've got friends we're not alone really. "DUH!"

But the thing about being single is that because we have friends, we are never single?
why coz, if you are unattached it doesn't mean that you're devoid of emotions, especially the type that makes you attracted to other pple (actually, these feelings aren't just for singles really)

Yeah, so even if you are single, there's always that spark, that tiny ember glowing. who is it for or with is anyone's guess, but at any moment in time, you're close, closer than usual, to someone, anyone, being an ex, an aquintance, long lost friend or bussom buddy. YOu're never alone, and never single.

What prompted me to say this i have NO IDEA heh

oh well. one more week to road relay, hopefully my legs hold till then, and that we get a good result.

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