Thursday, April 01, 2004

mosquito bite on my lip

you know that once in a while we all get that very irritating bit on certain parts of your body that just totally itch all the way like maybe a toe joint, or inbetween fingers. yeah but ever had one on your blasted lip???!!!!
that;'s what i have now. the block is totally infested with mosquitos that i sleep with a blanket and the window's closed in 24 degree weather. extreme you say? well not when you wake up with over 25 bites in strategic places that i can't mentoin in full detail for fear of sounding obscene and well, life for the rest of the day is pretty much hell.

yup well just to update those of you overseas and that i haven't spoken to in ages because of my dead comp. i'm currently involved in NDP as assistant cue-master. FUN right? the only draw back is that i now know all the details about NDP and am a bonafide walking spoiler. hahah. oh well too bad. if oyu guys want to hear you can always ask me for some details.

okay to those of you who have blogs that i read. PLEASE email me your addresses coz i don't have access to my comp and i don't commit these things to memory so please please drop me a note including oyur email address which i would have un doubtedly lost as well. SHEESH. so pathetic. sorry.

YUP that's about all that i ahve to update now.
Love you all! hahah

and have a happy APRIL FOOLS!

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