Sunday, April 18, 2004

eh........ shoot i actually forgot....... oh yeah!

This week i bring you another thought from church which i actually picked up on rather than falling asleep as usual anyhow just a little update on my life.

Not much has happened EXCEPT!
I HAVE A SISTER-IN-LAW! yah that's all heh
My bro just got engaged so yeah. AFTER 10 YEARS!

On with the serious stuff

Today we shall look at whether God shows in your life.


We look at Matthew 17-18 today.

We start with chapter 17 verse 14.

Previously, Jesus had empowered the disciples to perform miracles.
Let us examine the performing of miracles.
Miracles in our day and in days past, can only be performed in the name of the Lord. Jesus was no exception. Although he himself is GOD, Jesus relied on his faith in God to drive out demons etc. This was different from how the disciples did things.

Now you may think, that's not right, if the disciples could heal the sick, surely they must have great faith. True, they have great faith but not in God, but only in the gift that has been bestowed upon them. Likewise, we often rely on our earthly strengths and gifts that God has given us rather than to ultimately rely on God for all our dealings. There is a significant different in faith in talent and faith in God. That is why Jesus rebuked the disciples with regards to their faith simply because they had very litttle. The mustard seed is not bigger than the tip fo your pen, but within a year, it can grow into a six metre tall plant. So Jesus was not only talking about their little faith, but also what could be done with even a little faith if we had any! So do others see you as trusting God or yourself.

Next comes chapter 18 with regards to the greatest in heaven.
Here Jesus talks about humility and how we have to become as humble as a child when we approach him.
Humility can be looked at in two aspects.
The first aspect is the usual asian quality that most of us subscribe. when we get praised we say things like "aiyah no lah" etc. That is one way that we can approach God, for we know that in his presence we are nothing. Therefore we must approach in humility.

The second type, is humility to God's grace. Although as mentioned above we may decline adulation showered upon us, in private we soak up every ounce of it like our lives depended on it, and in many cases we do. But look at it from another point of view. Are we really responsible for the thigns we do or is God behind. Are our actions and successes our own works or the work of God? in humbling ourselves to God, we should also humble ourselves to his Will, that our lives are not for us to decide but for him to mould.

Do those around you see that God is directing your life?

Lastly we come to forgiveness.

We always talk about forgiving others and finally how much?
Here we see jesus say 77 times. Of course he doesn't mean 77 but rather as many as it takes. Coz by the time you count till 75 you would have probably lost count.
As in ths parable of the ungrateful servant, others always watch out for Christians, catching them when we are at our unGodliness!Are we as forgiving as we should be? are we showing the Godl attributes that we preach.

Think about it do others see Jesus in you?

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