Sunday, April 04, 2004

Hipsters and rainy days

Well as many of you know our little country has been experiencing some of the worst floods in recorded history. And what causes floods? RAIN!
well yeah and on to a totally unrelated topic. HIpster jeans.
I own a pair of VERY comfortable jeans, their a bit on the the baggy side and most definitely sit just nicely on my hips. Now i am no fashion slave as most of you would know so there is a reason as to why i have this pair of jeans. I used to be rather um... well endowed around the hip down region yes i was. so i bought jeans that fit me. now a few years on and with a vastly different lifestyle, well i've grown a lot leaner and as a result some articles don't fit as well! So here i am stuck with a perfectly good pair of jeans and so i can't throw them out so i wear them! DUH

as luck would have it everytime it rains i'm wearing this pair of jeans it rains. and somehow it's always on a sunday afternoon when i have to go home myself from church. andyeah the bus stop is some distance from my humble abode (blasted) and as i run and run and run, i get more and more wet. And yes jeans are heavy to start with. Throw in a bucket of water and well you get a rather soaked pair that weighs a ton. and there's a slope leading to my house that is rather steep and well running down it isn't much of a thrill but yes at the end of this very long sentence i shall get to the point. Just this afternoon, it rained, i was wearing THE PAIR and it got really heavy and man i felt so silly. The legs were just flapping about like a skirt goodness.

And well when i got home the expected happened. I slipped on the floor after taking off my shoes coz my wet jeans instanly created a puddle of water on the marble floor. SIGH..... oh well haha!

YUP that's about all from me just one inane little thing!

do have a nice day!

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