Monday, April 12, 2004

going slightly more nuts

I am the messenger of JOY.
What qualifies me of this heralded post?
I am shrouded in the darkness. I am steeped in solitude and despair. I have lived so long in the recesses of the human mind that i have sought out every corner of the abyss that is pain.

I know the feeling of liberation and whenever i feel it, it is like a caustic potion poured out onto the boils of my skin, burning and scarring. It is that powerful,it is that strong, it overwhelms and engulfs. And i above all else know what JOY is. I know that it is the myrh of life, the incense that fills the soul, it is beyond a drug, it is beyond a need, it is practically life its very self. It not only drives the mind, body and soul, it is what makes you human.

THerefore, i take it upon myself to be the one who has to don on the winged sandals of Mercury. To run the everlasting journey, from place to place, mind to mind, heart to heart i will bring you news of your JOY. IT is my burden, it is my calling, it is what makes me ME.

Have you brought joy to someone today?

Okay yes, my brain is going a bit hay wire.

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