Wednesday, March 24, 2004

After a long while

Hey there people. As someo f you might have noticed i haven't been online for the past two weeks or so heh. Well this is really by no choice of my own, i am currently dying from absolute boredom hmm okay let me explain my situation.

A few weeks ago there was a severe thunder storm raging on and well as luck would have it my house got struck by lightning. NO big surprise except that my comp subsequently got fried by it. well i don't really know about my cpu but my modem is absoultely out of action so yeah here i am stuck in lousy singapore totally cut off from the world. actually i'm cut off from the singapore pple as well SIGH......

Well yeah other than that i was also involved in a 4 day 3 night exercise so yeah that also took away a large amount of time haha. Hopefully my comp can get fixed then i can finally start surfing all over again yay!!!!!

Eh currently writing from work so yeah so that's why this weeks devotional isn' up yet. So sorry.

Well i do know that exams are mounting for a lot of people out there so do keep your spirits up and i'm sure you'll pull through!

GOd bless you all!

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Me, alcohol and cheap beer

Well i got initiated into my work place with the usual practice. Silly games and lots of booze.
Yes i admit it, i downed 3 cans of beer (3 times the limit for me) and didn't get drunk. In fact i was feeling rather high and probably would have taken more. Luckily some fail safe ant-beer device in my head kicked in and just told me to stop. Thank goodness.

Anyhow, yeah i don't like alcohol. I've fine with wine, beer taste like crap and well that's about it. So fall all of you who are reading this, you are NOT allowed to tell anyone that i get drunk easily less they use it against me. YOu included. And no, you are not allowed to get me drunk on my wedding day so that i start telling silly stories of how i met my wife (who ever she may be). That's that.

OUCH.... whole body hurts dunno how i'm going to survive tomorrow.
and take care!

This weeks lesson is kinda going to be a bit of a bummer

Okay as suggested by the title this week's lesson is kinda bad coz i went ot church totally drained and aching all over that i really did not pay attention in church which is VERY bad. Not to mention that i think i'm having a belated hangover.

Well today we talk about Abraham and Isaac.

No we will not talk about Sarah this is strictly a father son issue.
We all know about Genesis 22. Abraham being instructed by God to sacrifice Isaac. We all see Abraham's great act of faith when he actually raises the knife and God's faithfulness by staying his hand and providing a ram for slaughter but let us examine just a few points( or rather the few points that i could actually pay attention to).

1. What God gives God can take back.
We all know how precious Isaac is to Abraham, not only is he an only son, he is also the only son in Abraham's and Sarah's old age. Already, in the run up to his birth, Abraham was literally desperate for a son and was about to go to any lengths to have one till God granted him his wish. Much like us to day who have so much that not only do we take it for granted we also begin to take "ownership" of it by thinking that it is ours. God grants us our gifts as he sees best and likewise he has every right to take it away from us. We likewise should be prepared for when God comes a knocking on our day asking us to sacrifice all for him.

2. God will have our best in mind.
Although God made a very tall request of Abraham in the end, his test of Abraham's faith and His subsequent providence would only serve to build Abraham's faith in Him. A very similar story would be that of Job whose trial would only make him stronger and subsequently greater. Lesson learnt? God will only seek to build our love for him and would never put us though beyond what we can bear.

And really that's about the two most poignant points that i can give you really. Mull over it and do think about what you hold dear to life and how important it is to you in comparison to God.
ARe you willing to give more to God?

Saturday, March 06, 2004

battered and bruised

Hello all, my body is absolutely broken.
My first week officially at work and i must say it has been interesting not to mention absolutely draining.
SO yeah forgive me if this entry is rather short I SO NEED TO SLEEP ......

Well i guess the working life isn't exactly all as they hyped it up to be. If anything it just carries the same burdens if not more than school. And i think i've come up with the almost perfect type of job for myself: i can lead or i can be a worker just as long as i don't have to be some kind of prize horse that has to perfom when whipped and gets shot the moment he is down.

Yup, this experience is really helping me figure out what i want to do with my life in the future what about you?