Friday, April 27, 2007

Angry and wishing something bad

okay so i'm just very stressed from impending exams and essays. what have i been doing for the past 2 months i guess i should tell you all although i have no idea who reads this blog anymore. if you do just give me a shout okay?

Well over easter hols i flew over the pond to sunny and GLORIOUS CALIFORNIA to visit the girlfriend. It was a very nice 3 weeks filled with idle chat and other silly things like Stanford's infestation of caterpillars that plagued the last 10 days i was there.
That a side, it's a marvelously nice place. and it is NICE. period, NICE. JUST SO DAMN NICE!
Sunny, people look happy and seem to walk with purpose in life.
Apart from that they also have decent accomodation. Compared to the hole in the wall i'll be staying in next year it's a heaven.

Okay wat else, yeah we took a very silly road trip where half the attractions closed without warning upon our arrival as if to tell me or us to GO AWAY! Landslides and snow... mutter mutter. but i must say it was pretty fun squeezing nine people into one HUGE SUV and just rambling down the highway. I must say one of the most interesting things i did was looking out of sign pointing us to an illusive tulip field that was supposed unmissable. turns out we were in teh wrong state. Stupid tulip route. and we just were VERY SILLY. haha

okay then i came back, reality of 12700 words slapped me in the face and i got down to work. only recently have i resumed GMT sleeping hours because i had so much work i couldn't afford to stop and get readjusted.
The weather righ tnow is great. it's warm and i'm wearing one of those hats that make me look like a japanese tourist. O HAI YO!!!! EXCUSE ME, WE TAKE PICTURE?

Right so why am i pissed. i chanced upon this blog of someone apparently near my age but perhaps far surpassing me in intellectual capacity or he just reads way too much and is way to chim for his good. Anyway it's all these bloggers who i would admit are very smart people (well some of them at least) and i think they're ability to read and analyse is very great. yet i can't stand their doggedness in their views. The freedom of speech is only for those who shout louder apparently is their rule. They will question the logic of others while insisting on the superiority o their own.

At that point in time from that blog i chanced upon some links where said blogger was basicaly questioning the christian faith. Which is nothing new i guess, these liberals are all the same really, Godless bastards who believe in Right, but don't want to admit that Right came from somewhere. The absolute lies in the relative, what a whole lot of poppy-cock. Now please, don't take this as an attack on non-christians. Some of my best friends are non-christians and i pray for them everyday and i never wish anything bad on them. Non-christians are God's creation as well. I am no more worthy, greater or morally upright. Fact is i'm probably of a lower rank (if you can rank people) since i know right and wrong and yet still commit sins.

Anyway back to the poit of contention. I'm not angry an anti-christian texts but rather how confrontational it was. I mean why do people keep attacking something they claim is false? if it's false it'll die out. Something's got to give eventually right? And i think he made some very potent points (which we have all heard of or thought of at some point in time.
so fine i'm stil not pissed, indignant that my Lord is being spoken of in such a demeaning manner but nothing else. It was when i read another attachment which lead to a blog that was the rantings of Christians who had fallen away or been disillusioned.
If you don't believe that's fine with me, really you can say anything you like because you don't believe in it already. But what i really got ticked off about was when this apparently disillusioned but stil believe Christian was just going on about how bad Christians were etc etc. I mean, hey you're one as well, so why don't you quit yakking about other people and start talking about yourself? Instead of judging God on humans, why don't you judge yourself according to God?
I mean i shouldn't say this but sometimes it's people like this that turn people off evangelism. It's people like this that make people like me want to get a stack and burn them. the word heretic just jumps out. sadly we don't live in the crusades or witch hunt eras. So what can i do? Pray? i guess. I guess the japanese and shinto buddhism got one thing right. Tengu are buddhist students who have learned enough to reach enlightenment but lack understanding so they are cursed to roam the world. these people have so much logic that if they just opened their eyes they would see how simple it is.

Oh well, oh yeah another thing about bloggers. haha some of them complain about how people are trying to solve the palestine/israel crisis by arguing on facebook. i wonder how in anyway that's different from airing your anonymous views through a blog. hmm

Friday, March 09, 2007

Stand up for a moment's silence

Captain America is Dead.
While the debate carries on as to whether he will be resurrected ala Superman is debatable since there exist more that one Captain America.

But while everyone may hate America, i doubt anyone would find fault with Cap. And while comics are perhaps underrated as an integral part of popular culture, i think that for 66 years, Cap has done quite a lot for comic fans all over the world both in the fantasmal world of super heroes and perhaps an expression of how they feel ala 9/11, Iraq, ww1 etc.

Spoiler, spiderman features in a black suit once again perhaps more for mourning rather than anything, cheap marketting ploy for S:3? perhaps but i always thot the black suit was more cool. Heh

Right now to give the great man the respect he deserves.

Friday, March 02, 2007

From Jiaming

Hmm i can't believe i'm actually doing this.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Piety. Seriously, everyone here is doing this LENT thing and i'm thinking, to start with most of you aren't Christian. Secondly unless you're going to starve yourself for 40 days and PRAY don't even bother. Really it just gets me when people just do it and claim hey are christian, i mean HOW HARD is it to give up something for like 40 days if it's going to be like chocolate or alcohol. i mean sorry to everyone who takes lent seriously but i mean the whole idea (and i still maintain that it's a meaningless man made tradition) is to deprive yourself of a distraction and to devote that time to the Lord. I you aren't than what's the point. I mean i could go without chips, chocolate, anime, tv for like 40 days and no big deal sheesh.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Irresponsibility or perhaps the inability to recognise their responsibilities. haha sorry jiam had to copy you

What is your most marked characteristic?
I talk too much. But I maintain that it's only too much to people who can't see my point of view. heh

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
My temper. I secretly burn inside, i'm glad to say though that God has thus far been very kind in helping me not blow up.

What is the quality you most like in a man?
heterosexuality? heh just kidding. Erm... Moral fortitude, men should really be able to stand up for themselves. That said i don't do that enough either that's why i admire any man who does and even more if he's willing to die for it.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?
hmm this is SUCH a loaded question. 36-24-36 HAHAHHAHAHA!
The ability to ask a question and respect the answer and the person giving the answer.

What do you most value in your friends?
Loyalty, is there anything else? Well if my friends were filthy rich then i suppose generosity would be it heh. Oh gullibility would be nice as well....

What is it that you most dislike?
When people don't play by the rules and i'm predispositioned to play by the rules and so i basically get screwed over

What is your greatest extravagance?
Easy, my bow or travelling i tihnk they are pretty tied. My bow i'd say, 2000 sing dollars is quite a bit.

On what occasion do you lie?
we always lie. i think we like all the time. The one thing i do is unfortunately not lie to not hurt people. i'd rather i hurt them now with honesty then hurt them later with dishonesty, the pain after is so much worse and so much more hard to repair.

What do you dislike most about your appearance?
My ears particularly my right one, why does is stick out so much? And they are lopsided.

Which talent would you most like to have?
Multi-lingualism. So that i can preach to ANYONE and i'm serious about this especially my grandmother.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd change the fact that i keep running from God. i wish God would just give me a new brain pre-programmed to just follow his will. I think too much for my own good.

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
me. they're fine, it's me. that i had spend more time with my parents and brother, and that i wasn't such a cantankerous twit.

What is your most treasured possession?
I'm going to answer this with more than one question coz i think it's unfair.
Above all i value the grace that i have received for my sins from God and Jesus sacrifice above all else. It is the one thing that drives me.
I won't rate people they are quantifiable.
Objects wise..... my autograph book, from p6 till JC, the people i treasure are al in there.

Who is your favourite hero of fiction?
Sparrowhawk from the Earthsea Quadrilogy by Ursula Le Guin. Her other works are just sordidly sick but this one just rocks. Really magic without the stupid incantations but still some laws and unlike flimsy LOTR magic. Name calling, that's the best magic of it all.

What do you regret from last year?
I had a spending problem.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Dying and going to heaven. Honestly, nothing on earth is going to give me happiness, and once i die i wouldn't be able to care anyway. so there.

Where would you like to live?
Singapore. Where i'm not second class, it's safe and we've got the best food in the world BY FAR.

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
Dunno i don't believe in reincarnation. I'm saying Warren Buffet. That's how big my ego is haha. Plus with all that money i'd finally be able to do all the good i want to do but don't have the means to.

What is your greatest fear?
Judgement day. With all the things that have gone through my head. i'd hate to face God and try to explain everything.

How would you like to die?
Being hit by a Ferrari. That's going out glamourously and with a BANG. Okay that's so shallow.
I'd like to die for God, but i know that i'm too afraid to. I honestly believe that if anyone were to die for God, they'd go with the greatest peace in their hearts and minds that it wouldn't hurt a bit, just like Stephen.

What is your motto?
I translate from chinese.
To eat is to 'enjoy' to sleep is a 'blessing'. in life we should enjoy our blessings when we can.

And now i TAG.....hmm no fair i dunno anyone who reads this who has a blog. okay no be honest if you have a blog and you read this blog. i TAG YOU. which is SO lame but oh well. wow this was actually quite fun. Oh wait i do have a NAME. PX, you can do this on facebook as a note.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Woe is the world i live in

Well not really the world but just England and Christianity in general i guess.
I dunno why i blog so much about God, maybe even though i'm a pathetic christian, coming to England has made me more aware about my faith.
Here are a few things that are going on in the UK that might alarm you folks, it's just the beginning of a slippery slope that i fear the world is following. Of course, the greater we descend into global malaise it's just another sign of the coming of the end times, but still we shouldn't lose hope and just despair that the world is going pot and we should jus sit back and wait for rapture to take us up.
The UK in and out of parliament has thus far debated or is debating th following issues. While i cannot lend my name to any form of political petition, i can at least write about my views.

1. Govt. funding for a multimillion pound mosque that would be the largest in Europe.There's plenty of muslim support for this no doubt and the Christian Community has been so cowed into either complacency of fear of isolation that it it doing nothing. Apparently new churches are not being built at all in the UK, of course not an indication of anything but old ones are closing and being refurbished into pubs.

2. The banning of faith based schools and in related topics, the banning of prescribed rights and wrongs etc. While this cuts both ways for all faiths, it's generally the devil's work of preventing Godly values from being taught. on the other hand i actually see this as a good thing, faith based schools build insularism and discrimination of others. perhaps the problems that society faces now is due to teh fact that the children are so segregated at birth and during their formative years

3. Forcing christian adoption agencies to let gay couples adopt kids. Erm i don't think this needs explaining. I mean first politics says that state and religion should be separate, now the state wants to impose on religion. sheesh.

4. Gay marriages well that's so well past but it's still strange. Some churches are even renting out their premises for weddings just for the moeny, like that church is leicester that rented out their premises for the filming of the Da Vinci Code.

Well all isnt' lost.
The anglican church and other anglican and episcopal churches have finally issued an ultimatum to the American episcopal church regarding the ordinance of gay priests and on gay marriages.
I'm not sure of the wording and while i hateto hear that they reached a '#compromise' i guess it's a move in the right direction rather than just turning a blind eye.

WOe is the world
oh well
off for practice
oh yeah


29 golds
WOO HOOO!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CNY come and GONE

Right actually the title is very misleading.
I'm actually going to blog about Management studies and business school in general and Horses.
First of all, i'm walking up the stairs behind a HUGE group of people visiting Warwick for open day and then there's a jam? i wonder why? i look up and i see bunch of guys congregating in the MIDDLE of the stairs talking.
Twits, then i realise that they are all carrying the same back, black canvas with a little red logo saying 'Warwick business school'
Now i'm not going to generalise coz i have quite a few friends from the business school who are pretty smart cookies. But why is it that such a large number of business students have to display they're general lack of common sense. IT's like ARGH! you're heads are full of money and making it then there's basically NOTHING LEFT!!! chee-ee i dunno there are probably some very mean things i could say but i'm not going to coz i don't think my friends are that bad so i'll leave it as that. But sheesh, first they can't do maths then this. Somehow i managed to control myself and not shout at them to get educated and get out of the way whil're they are at it.

Next, haha this is actually got to do witha little conversation i had with my dance partner about little rich girls. Just saw a flyer posted on a wall about a girl looking for a student (so a student looking to hire another student) TO LOOK AFTER HER HORSE REGULARLY!!! my gosh, bad enough she's probably loaded, now she's going to higher another student. That's democracy and capitalism at it's peak i tell you.

Spent the night on the floor hping it'd do my back some good, i must admit it feels better but the knot in my lower back is still there. will try it again tonight and see the results.

Oh and happy birthday mum though you don't even know this blog exists and even if you did i doubt you'd be able to access it haha.

Friday, February 16, 2007


ARGH so much work so little time and i DON'T understand my work help.
Now why am i blogging at such a strange time? it's coz i have
1) decided 20 min more of reading the text book won't do me any good coz i won't finish the chapter
why 20min?
1) becuase i need to catch the 2233 bus back and its't too cold for me to stand at the bus stop
and after receiving my seminar questions and realising that i have ABSOLUTELY USELESS lecture notes once again i have decided i'd rather go back where i can at least work without a time limit. SIGH. this SUCKS

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bugger Valentines

This year's valentines' day was very interesting.
I mean it's like all other valentine's in that i don't spend it with anyone particular. Instead i sat in the pub with the other archers just basically wasting away.
Interesting, i shot pretty well today. studied, and gave out chocolates.
nothing else really.
i did see some pretty sad and typical things happen, like cheapskate /forgetful boyfriends buying tesco/costcutter bouquets. I don't believe in flowers, and even if i were to buy them, I'd go broke and buy proper ones sheesh.
OH well.
Tha's all, v-day is crap