Friday, April 27, 2007

Angry and wishing something bad

okay so i'm just very stressed from impending exams and essays. what have i been doing for the past 2 months i guess i should tell you all although i have no idea who reads this blog anymore. if you do just give me a shout okay?

Well over easter hols i flew over the pond to sunny and GLORIOUS CALIFORNIA to visit the girlfriend. It was a very nice 3 weeks filled with idle chat and other silly things like Stanford's infestation of caterpillars that plagued the last 10 days i was there.
That a side, it's a marvelously nice place. and it is NICE. period, NICE. JUST SO DAMN NICE!
Sunny, people look happy and seem to walk with purpose in life.
Apart from that they also have decent accomodation. Compared to the hole in the wall i'll be staying in next year it's a heaven.

Okay wat else, yeah we took a very silly road trip where half the attractions closed without warning upon our arrival as if to tell me or us to GO AWAY! Landslides and snow... mutter mutter. but i must say it was pretty fun squeezing nine people into one HUGE SUV and just rambling down the highway. I must say one of the most interesting things i did was looking out of sign pointing us to an illusive tulip field that was supposed unmissable. turns out we were in teh wrong state. Stupid tulip route. and we just were VERY SILLY. haha

okay then i came back, reality of 12700 words slapped me in the face and i got down to work. only recently have i resumed GMT sleeping hours because i had so much work i couldn't afford to stop and get readjusted.
The weather righ tnow is great. it's warm and i'm wearing one of those hats that make me look like a japanese tourist. O HAI YO!!!! EXCUSE ME, WE TAKE PICTURE?

Right so why am i pissed. i chanced upon this blog of someone apparently near my age but perhaps far surpassing me in intellectual capacity or he just reads way too much and is way to chim for his good. Anyway it's all these bloggers who i would admit are very smart people (well some of them at least) and i think they're ability to read and analyse is very great. yet i can't stand their doggedness in their views. The freedom of speech is only for those who shout louder apparently is their rule. They will question the logic of others while insisting on the superiority o their own.

At that point in time from that blog i chanced upon some links where said blogger was basicaly questioning the christian faith. Which is nothing new i guess, these liberals are all the same really, Godless bastards who believe in Right, but don't want to admit that Right came from somewhere. The absolute lies in the relative, what a whole lot of poppy-cock. Now please, don't take this as an attack on non-christians. Some of my best friends are non-christians and i pray for them everyday and i never wish anything bad on them. Non-christians are God's creation as well. I am no more worthy, greater or morally upright. Fact is i'm probably of a lower rank (if you can rank people) since i know right and wrong and yet still commit sins.

Anyway back to the poit of contention. I'm not angry an anti-christian texts but rather how confrontational it was. I mean why do people keep attacking something they claim is false? if it's false it'll die out. Something's got to give eventually right? And i think he made some very potent points (which we have all heard of or thought of at some point in time.
so fine i'm stil not pissed, indignant that my Lord is being spoken of in such a demeaning manner but nothing else. It was when i read another attachment which lead to a blog that was the rantings of Christians who had fallen away or been disillusioned.
If you don't believe that's fine with me, really you can say anything you like because you don't believe in it already. But what i really got ticked off about was when this apparently disillusioned but stil believe Christian was just going on about how bad Christians were etc etc. I mean, hey you're one as well, so why don't you quit yakking about other people and start talking about yourself? Instead of judging God on humans, why don't you judge yourself according to God?
I mean i shouldn't say this but sometimes it's people like this that turn people off evangelism. It's people like this that make people like me want to get a stack and burn them. the word heretic just jumps out. sadly we don't live in the crusades or witch hunt eras. So what can i do? Pray? i guess. I guess the japanese and shinto buddhism got one thing right. Tengu are buddhist students who have learned enough to reach enlightenment but lack understanding so they are cursed to roam the world. these people have so much logic that if they just opened their eyes they would see how simple it is.

Oh well, oh yeah another thing about bloggers. haha some of them complain about how people are trying to solve the palestine/israel crisis by arguing on facebook. i wonder how in anyway that's different from airing your anonymous views through a blog. hmm

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