Friday, March 09, 2007

Stand up for a moment's silence

Captain America is Dead.
While the debate carries on as to whether he will be resurrected ala Superman is debatable since there exist more that one Captain America.

But while everyone may hate America, i doubt anyone would find fault with Cap. And while comics are perhaps underrated as an integral part of popular culture, i think that for 66 years, Cap has done quite a lot for comic fans all over the world both in the fantasmal world of super heroes and perhaps an expression of how they feel ala 9/11, Iraq, ww1 etc.

Spoiler, spiderman features in a black suit once again perhaps more for mourning rather than anything, cheap marketting ploy for S:3? perhaps but i always thot the black suit was more cool. Heh

Right now to give the great man the respect he deserves.

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