Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CNY come and GONE

Right actually the title is very misleading.
I'm actually going to blog about Management studies and business school in general and Horses.
First of all, i'm walking up the stairs behind a HUGE group of people visiting Warwick for open day and then there's a jam? i wonder why? i look up and i see bunch of guys congregating in the MIDDLE of the stairs talking.
Twits, then i realise that they are all carrying the same back, black canvas with a little red logo saying 'Warwick business school'
Now i'm not going to generalise coz i have quite a few friends from the business school who are pretty smart cookies. But why is it that such a large number of business students have to display they're general lack of common sense. IT's like ARGH! you're heads are full of money and making it then there's basically NOTHING LEFT!!! chee-ee i dunno there are probably some very mean things i could say but i'm not going to coz i don't think my friends are that bad so i'll leave it as that. But sheesh, first they can't do maths then this. Somehow i managed to control myself and not shout at them to get educated and get out of the way whil're they are at it.

Next, haha this is actually got to do witha little conversation i had with my dance partner about little rich girls. Just saw a flyer posted on a wall about a girl looking for a student (so a student looking to hire another student) TO LOOK AFTER HER HORSE REGULARLY!!! my gosh, bad enough she's probably loaded, now she's going to higher another student. That's democracy and capitalism at it's peak i tell you.

Spent the night on the floor hping it'd do my back some good, i must admit it feels better but the knot in my lower back is still there. will try it again tonight and see the results.

Oh and happy birthday mum though you don't even know this blog exists and even if you did i doubt you'd be able to access it haha.

*ahem ahem*
management studies is not the same as business school!!
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