Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fart and Smoke

I think smoking is a lot like farting. Lots of people do it (okay more like everyone farts) and generally no one likes it.
When you need to light up you go, 'Excuse me' and then you light up, when you're about to release one you do it (if you can't hold it) then go 'Excuse me'.
Tobacco companies invented the filter to prevent harmful substances (what a joke) from getting to the smoker while an american underwear company has invent a fart proof underwear with filter and all.
Now i say, that in places like England where smoking is still ubiquitous, i say that people should be able to fart in public without feeling ashamed of doing so.
Because farting unlike smoking has no 2nd hand side-effects. Farting is good for the health (i can't even imagine what holding it in will do). in fact i think flatulence is a sign of a healthy gut and active metabolism.
2ndly, as said everyone farts so no one is being discriminated against. Now not everyone smokes, and those who do, annoy the hell out of everyone around. So you won't have the problem that 'i'm in the pursuit of happiness therefore i smoke' if any smoker gives me that, i'll shove my bum in his face and let fly one and see if he likes the smell of that, i mean he should right, since he just loves to inhale tar laden smoke, what's a bit of nitrogenous fumes.
Fart also doesn't leave a strong after smell, of course there are different grades just like cigarettes with some smelling (and sounding) a lot worse than others, but on the whole they don't linger and a little ventilation usually does the trick. Smoke on the other hand sticks to you breath, hair, cloths, nostrils and even spectacle lenses.
So you ask, with smoking being so socially acceptable why is it that farting is so frowned upon??

Okay so this is one of the more inane of my posts heh. oh well haha

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Stiff spine, stiff back

I have bought the wrong arrows. Point
Not sure if i can correct them. Point.
Will not bother and will instead concentrate on shooting better indoors with my alluminiums. Guess i just don't want to risk skrewing up my carbons before i go outdoors. Shall do proper walk back tuning then.
My back is stiff, it hurts slightly i'm feeling the effects of running. exercise. Points.
I'm tired and i don't understand my work.
Right somehow life seems rather pointless right now.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tests and results

Got my POF results today. a measly 60. Which is NOT GOOD. oh well i guess i should have expected as much considering how i ROYALLY screwed up by wasting so much time on the 2nd question. i really have to buck up for the this terms test. i seriuosly need POF to pull up my marks for this year, econometrics and POF are my means of trying to get a first. So i've dropped 4 points already from this years average which means that i have to make 64 out of 90 which means i have to average a over 70% for the rest of the year to get a first and even then that's not enough coz i was aiming for something in the range of 80% which means that i now have to score like well a lot. i have an assignment and that will most definitely drag down the score so ladies and gentlemen, i need to score 90% for the next test and exams to make sure i do well for this module. SIGH.......

God help me PLEASE. Another test in 4 hours time. sigh..... really dunno what to do. hope it goes well, 74 for the last test was NOT optimal. Aiming for 80% for econometrics as well hopefully and i'm no below that. seriously need to buck up.

Friday, January 12, 2007

a post after a long long while

Right passage in focus: Psalm 40 : 1-3
1 I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry.

2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.

3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the LORD

Questions to consider:
a. Where was I?
b. Where am i now?
c. How did i get here?
d. Why am i here?

This sermon started out as being for non-christians but as it progressed it was more believers oh well.
Anyhow, main summary, the psalmist is recounting his life through the trials that he has faced.

a. Where was I?
v.2a. We were all once in a slimy pit filled with mud. Our lives were miserable, a Life without God.
Questions for non-believers:
How are you coping with the certainty of death?
- what is life about, does it have any purpose, if we're all going to die why live at all?
How are you coping with the injustices in the world?
- There are things that make us angry, cause us to fight each other, strife. for what purpose? is a life filled with all this worth living?
How do you cope with the God-shaped hole in your heart?
-Do you live for yourself? Are you satisfied when you achieve your goals or do you always want more? have youfallen into the trap that material success will bring you more happiness?
How do you cope with being not all that you can be.
- You were designed for a purpose by God

with all this in mind, can one really be happy? Of Christians, all these truths should be apparent to you. DO you recognise how your life would have been without God? LIfe would be dark and meaningless without God.

b. Where am I now?
v.2b. on a firm ground, a rock.

The rock is jesus. Why?
Because he has saved us. But why is it only Jesus who can do this? Because he is God, and he can forgive and he IS man so he can represent our sins and die for us.
Because Jesus loves sinners and does what no one else would, die for our sins
Because he is the only blameless person to have ever lived and only his death is good enough
Because he was rose from the dead and the Resurrection proves our forgiveness. Our salvation is secure
Jesus is the new life, the life out of the hole and onto the firm rock.

c. How did/do i get here/there?

the important thing to remember is that GOD did it, not us.'He lifted' 'he set'. Its all through the grace of God that we are where we are today. He joins us in a holy union with himself through Jesus' death and now through the Holy Spirit. Through faith we are united again with God on the firm rock.

d. Why am i here.
v.3 we are here to sing God's praise and to tell of his goodness. We are here so that other's may hear the good news and not be stuck in their pits.

i'm not trying to say that anyone's life is wretched.What i am saying is that there exists something that might feel the empty feeling that you may get sometimes. God is here, not just out there, and he's waiting for your reply to let him fill your life with meaning and purpose and most imporantly, JOY.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Leaving Again

I have leaving. Although that is probably a very redundant thing to say.
I just really hate leaving. i thought i could manage a year in the UK and i did but by the time teh 8th of december came back i was on the brink of insanity.

Now i've got to leave. to start a new year in the UK. Life is gonna suck. I say that without even starting and that's obviously going to be a bad start to the year.
Anyhow it's already been a bad startto the year considering that i still have one essay undone, an essay unedited and a test in store. oh bugger.......

Ah well enough with the ai shen tan qi. Lets look back at 2006
It's been a wonderful year let's recap on some of teh more wonderful things that happened.
Holidaying, i have been to A LOT OF PLACES. Been to Italy, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Switzerland, Lots of parts of england.
I worked in London over the summer i learnt a lot about work got some direction in life.
I've gotten better at archery and i'm enjoying ballroom dancing.
I went to London and kicked ass at MUN.
I learned alot about life in general and i have come to appreciate life in singapore a lot of the thigns that i take forgranted.
I've forged new friendships and reacquainted with old ones.
I'd say it's been a pretty good year. But then again, i think every year is pretty good heh i'm alive so it has to be good.
yeah haven't blogged in AGES.
Hopefully i'll be bloggin more in teh future
I'll be seeing you all back in teh UK
