Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fart and Smoke

I think smoking is a lot like farting. Lots of people do it (okay more like everyone farts) and generally no one likes it.
When you need to light up you go, 'Excuse me' and then you light up, when you're about to release one you do it (if you can't hold it) then go 'Excuse me'.
Tobacco companies invented the filter to prevent harmful substances (what a joke) from getting to the smoker while an american underwear company has invent a fart proof underwear with filter and all.
Now i say, that in places like England where smoking is still ubiquitous, i say that people should be able to fart in public without feeling ashamed of doing so.
Because farting unlike smoking has no 2nd hand side-effects. Farting is good for the health (i can't even imagine what holding it in will do). in fact i think flatulence is a sign of a healthy gut and active metabolism.
2ndly, as said everyone farts so no one is being discriminated against. Now not everyone smokes, and those who do, annoy the hell out of everyone around. So you won't have the problem that 'i'm in the pursuit of happiness therefore i smoke' if any smoker gives me that, i'll shove my bum in his face and let fly one and see if he likes the smell of that, i mean he should right, since he just loves to inhale tar laden smoke, what's a bit of nitrogenous fumes.
Fart also doesn't leave a strong after smell, of course there are different grades just like cigarettes with some smelling (and sounding) a lot worse than others, but on the whole they don't linger and a little ventilation usually does the trick. Smoke on the other hand sticks to you breath, hair, cloths, nostrils and even spectacle lenses.
So you ask, with smoking being so socially acceptable why is it that farting is so frowned upon??

Okay so this is one of the more inane of my posts heh. oh well haha

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