Friday, March 09, 2007

Stand up for a moment's silence

Captain America is Dead.
While the debate carries on as to whether he will be resurrected ala Superman is debatable since there exist more that one Captain America.

But while everyone may hate America, i doubt anyone would find fault with Cap. And while comics are perhaps underrated as an integral part of popular culture, i think that for 66 years, Cap has done quite a lot for comic fans all over the world both in the fantasmal world of super heroes and perhaps an expression of how they feel ala 9/11, Iraq, ww1 etc.

Spoiler, spiderman features in a black suit once again perhaps more for mourning rather than anything, cheap marketting ploy for S:3? perhaps but i always thot the black suit was more cool. Heh

Right now to give the great man the respect he deserves.

Friday, March 02, 2007

From Jiaming

Hmm i can't believe i'm actually doing this.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Piety. Seriously, everyone here is doing this LENT thing and i'm thinking, to start with most of you aren't Christian. Secondly unless you're going to starve yourself for 40 days and PRAY don't even bother. Really it just gets me when people just do it and claim hey are christian, i mean HOW HARD is it to give up something for like 40 days if it's going to be like chocolate or alcohol. i mean sorry to everyone who takes lent seriously but i mean the whole idea (and i still maintain that it's a meaningless man made tradition) is to deprive yourself of a distraction and to devote that time to the Lord. I you aren't than what's the point. I mean i could go without chips, chocolate, anime, tv for like 40 days and no big deal sheesh.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Irresponsibility or perhaps the inability to recognise their responsibilities. haha sorry jiam had to copy you

What is your most marked characteristic?
I talk too much. But I maintain that it's only too much to people who can't see my point of view. heh

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
My temper. I secretly burn inside, i'm glad to say though that God has thus far been very kind in helping me not blow up.

What is the quality you most like in a man?
heterosexuality? heh just kidding. Erm... Moral fortitude, men should really be able to stand up for themselves. That said i don't do that enough either that's why i admire any man who does and even more if he's willing to die for it.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?
hmm this is SUCH a loaded question. 36-24-36 HAHAHHAHAHA!
The ability to ask a question and respect the answer and the person giving the answer.

What do you most value in your friends?
Loyalty, is there anything else? Well if my friends were filthy rich then i suppose generosity would be it heh. Oh gullibility would be nice as well....

What is it that you most dislike?
When people don't play by the rules and i'm predispositioned to play by the rules and so i basically get screwed over

What is your greatest extravagance?
Easy, my bow or travelling i tihnk they are pretty tied. My bow i'd say, 2000 sing dollars is quite a bit.

On what occasion do you lie?
we always lie. i think we like all the time. The one thing i do is unfortunately not lie to not hurt people. i'd rather i hurt them now with honesty then hurt them later with dishonesty, the pain after is so much worse and so much more hard to repair.

What do you dislike most about your appearance?
My ears particularly my right one, why does is stick out so much? And they are lopsided.

Which talent would you most like to have?
Multi-lingualism. So that i can preach to ANYONE and i'm serious about this especially my grandmother.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd change the fact that i keep running from God. i wish God would just give me a new brain pre-programmed to just follow his will. I think too much for my own good.

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
me. they're fine, it's me. that i had spend more time with my parents and brother, and that i wasn't such a cantankerous twit.

What is your most treasured possession?
I'm going to answer this with more than one question coz i think it's unfair.
Above all i value the grace that i have received for my sins from God and Jesus sacrifice above all else. It is the one thing that drives me.
I won't rate people they are quantifiable.
Objects wise..... my autograph book, from p6 till JC, the people i treasure are al in there.

Who is your favourite hero of fiction?
Sparrowhawk from the Earthsea Quadrilogy by Ursula Le Guin. Her other works are just sordidly sick but this one just rocks. Really magic without the stupid incantations but still some laws and unlike flimsy LOTR magic. Name calling, that's the best magic of it all.

What do you regret from last year?
I had a spending problem.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Dying and going to heaven. Honestly, nothing on earth is going to give me happiness, and once i die i wouldn't be able to care anyway. so there.

Where would you like to live?
Singapore. Where i'm not second class, it's safe and we've got the best food in the world BY FAR.

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
Dunno i don't believe in reincarnation. I'm saying Warren Buffet. That's how big my ego is haha. Plus with all that money i'd finally be able to do all the good i want to do but don't have the means to.

What is your greatest fear?
Judgement day. With all the things that have gone through my head. i'd hate to face God and try to explain everything.

How would you like to die?
Being hit by a Ferrari. That's going out glamourously and with a BANG. Okay that's so shallow.
I'd like to die for God, but i know that i'm too afraid to. I honestly believe that if anyone were to die for God, they'd go with the greatest peace in their hearts and minds that it wouldn't hurt a bit, just like Stephen.

What is your motto?
I translate from chinese.
To eat is to 'enjoy' to sleep is a 'blessing'. in life we should enjoy our blessings when we can.

And now i TAG.....hmm no fair i dunno anyone who reads this who has a blog. okay no be honest if you have a blog and you read this blog. i TAG YOU. which is SO lame but oh well. wow this was actually quite fun. Oh wait i do have a NAME. PX, you can do this on facebook as a note.