Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Woe is the world i live in

Well not really the world but just England and Christianity in general i guess.
I dunno why i blog so much about God, maybe even though i'm a pathetic christian, coming to England has made me more aware about my faith.
Here are a few things that are going on in the UK that might alarm you folks, it's just the beginning of a slippery slope that i fear the world is following. Of course, the greater we descend into global malaise it's just another sign of the coming of the end times, but still we shouldn't lose hope and just despair that the world is going pot and we should jus sit back and wait for rapture to take us up.
The UK in and out of parliament has thus far debated or is debating th following issues. While i cannot lend my name to any form of political petition, i can at least write about my views.

1. Govt. funding for a multimillion pound mosque that would be the largest in Europe.There's plenty of muslim support for this no doubt and the Christian Community has been so cowed into either complacency of fear of isolation that it it doing nothing. Apparently new churches are not being built at all in the UK, of course not an indication of anything but old ones are closing and being refurbished into pubs.

2. The banning of faith based schools and in related topics, the banning of prescribed rights and wrongs etc. While this cuts both ways for all faiths, it's generally the devil's work of preventing Godly values from being taught. on the other hand i actually see this as a good thing, faith based schools build insularism and discrimination of others. perhaps the problems that society faces now is due to teh fact that the children are so segregated at birth and during their formative years

3. Forcing christian adoption agencies to let gay couples adopt kids. Erm i don't think this needs explaining. I mean first politics says that state and religion should be separate, now the state wants to impose on religion. sheesh.

4. Gay marriages well that's so well past but it's still strange. Some churches are even renting out their premises for weddings just for the moeny, like that church is leicester that rented out their premises for the filming of the Da Vinci Code.

Well all isnt' lost.
The anglican church and other anglican and episcopal churches have finally issued an ultimatum to the American episcopal church regarding the ordinance of gay priests and on gay marriages.
I'm not sure of the wording and while i hateto hear that they reached a '#compromise' i guess it's a move in the right direction rather than just turning a blind eye.

WOe is the world
oh well
off for practice
oh yeah


29 golds
WOO HOOO!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CNY come and GONE

Right actually the title is very misleading.
I'm actually going to blog about Management studies and business school in general and Horses.
First of all, i'm walking up the stairs behind a HUGE group of people visiting Warwick for open day and then there's a jam? i wonder why? i look up and i see bunch of guys congregating in the MIDDLE of the stairs talking.
Twits, then i realise that they are all carrying the same back, black canvas with a little red logo saying 'Warwick business school'
Now i'm not going to generalise coz i have quite a few friends from the business school who are pretty smart cookies. But why is it that such a large number of business students have to display they're general lack of common sense. IT's like ARGH! you're heads are full of money and making it then there's basically NOTHING LEFT!!! chee-ee i dunno there are probably some very mean things i could say but i'm not going to coz i don't think my friends are that bad so i'll leave it as that. But sheesh, first they can't do maths then this. Somehow i managed to control myself and not shout at them to get educated and get out of the way whil're they are at it.

Next, haha this is actually got to do witha little conversation i had with my dance partner about little rich girls. Just saw a flyer posted on a wall about a girl looking for a student (so a student looking to hire another student) TO LOOK AFTER HER HORSE REGULARLY!!! my gosh, bad enough she's probably loaded, now she's going to higher another student. That's democracy and capitalism at it's peak i tell you.

Spent the night on the floor hping it'd do my back some good, i must admit it feels better but the knot in my lower back is still there. will try it again tonight and see the results.

Oh and happy birthday mum though you don't even know this blog exists and even if you did i doubt you'd be able to access it haha.

Friday, February 16, 2007


ARGH so much work so little time and i DON'T understand my work help.
Now why am i blogging at such a strange time? it's coz i have
1) decided 20 min more of reading the text book won't do me any good coz i won't finish the chapter
why 20min?
1) becuase i need to catch the 2233 bus back and its't too cold for me to stand at the bus stop
and after receiving my seminar questions and realising that i have ABSOLUTELY USELESS lecture notes once again i have decided i'd rather go back where i can at least work without a time limit. SIGH. this SUCKS

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bugger Valentines

This year's valentines' day was very interesting.
I mean it's like all other valentine's in that i don't spend it with anyone particular. Instead i sat in the pub with the other archers just basically wasting away.
Interesting, i shot pretty well today. studied, and gave out chocolates.
nothing else really.
i did see some pretty sad and typical things happen, like cheapskate /forgetful boyfriends buying tesco/costcutter bouquets. I don't believe in flowers, and even if i were to buy them, I'd go broke and buy proper ones sheesh.
OH well.
Tha's all, v-day is crap

Monday, February 05, 2007

What's up with rap and hip hop

haha okay this will probably end up as one of those things where some twit send this title to some newspaper and i get branded a rascist. sheesh
any, i'm just complaining about how everyone over here is just emulating this whole hip hop culture. it's dumb.
i mean, why can't we all shake and hug properly? why must it always be the stupid thumb shake with the shoulder hug. Why is everything is rap slang?
can't understand why people can't be a bit more proud of they're cultures or the irony that being an individual means doing what the whole herd is doing. TWITS.
baggy track clothes (which obviously serve the purpose of hiding fat from NOT exercising and binge drinking), bling, stupid head scarves. GROW UP!
oh well it's hard being an old man amongst all these kids.

in other things, our experienced beat CAMBRIDGE woo hoo!!!!!!
and while our novices really suck the cambridge novices are GOOD , i'll say that but not fantastic. one or two of them show real talent though i'm think it's more teh equipment than anything. Ah well i guess i'm just sore that i basically nearly kill my arm to get to 547 and then these twits just race through. BLEAH

right in other arguments i've just found out that i actually have a £90 GAP coat which translates to about $270! wow the most expensive thing i've EVER bought in my life (clothes wise at least, archery equipment will probably only be topped by a house and car). haha so waht if i actually only bought it for 20 haha I WIN!