Saturday, December 02, 2006

Aiming is overrated

Right. most people would say that people like me blog only to get attention.
Well i shall prove them all TOTALLY wrong by blogging about archery and i will NOT explain my terms so this is an entry that only I will fully understand.

Ever since adding the clicker, i'm having problems with timing my release. Cocking my wrist and locking it in place seems to have worked for like the first 2 dozen arrows but after that i had a huge strain in my forearm. Went back to direct grip of the string rather then stiffening my fingers. Felt weird but somehow seems to be working.
Right now it seems that i shouldn't aim as much as i do now, but instead the following seems to work but with a rather large variance in where the shots end up. when they do actually group though they very eerily get are in the X which is what frustrates me.
draw, place sight, extra pull, clicker goes, shift sight onto gold and release seems to work VERY well in that i get insane groups in the X but then again sometimes the shots just end up in the 8. Okay so i'm NOT that good of an archer compared to many other's in the world, but it does frustrate me that i can lke group 5 arrows in the gold and one in the 9 then have an absoultely horendous end with like 10 10 9 8 8 7. Which is TOTALLY unacceptable. I guess i'll get back to working on my release. Took pic for mum and dad to see.

In other news, STUPID POF is really ridiculous because one entire set of lecture notes was ABSOLUTELY useless. Only the appendix that was given like a WEEK later totally mattered.
oh well one more week before i leave this rubbish of a cuisineless country for good ol singapore.
yum yum yum

i don't mind geting fat in singapore.


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