Thursday, November 16, 2006


First of all a BIG DOH!! for the stupid mistake i made during econometrics. But oh well, it's alright now i'mjust glad that God got me through that one.

so.... hmm what to blog this week
Oh well i might as well blog about the huge outburst the other week. well not really an outburst haha. Shouted in lecture last week for people to shut up. Someone shouted something back got a paper ball thrown back at me. HOnestly i wonder if i'm back in primary school. Anyhow i'm not particularly proud of what i did. I had a bad day, wasn't in a good mood, idiots in the lecture made things worst. Oh well. need to work on this temper, and the uk isn't the best place to do so.

In other news. i haven't blogged any sermon yet. coz it takes so much time and i'm so busy sigh....
Went for guy fawkes what must be like two week ago ? no wait last monday. cool to see te bonfire and then have the setting off of fireworks. I can see why Sinagpore banned it, we don't ahve huge victorian backyards to do such things. Bonfire was so cool get to see the effigy burnt, though i can't help but feel that it's a rather macabre thing to do especially since the guy died a long time ago. have the protestants not forgiven him yet?

LAstly, well accomodation woes again haha. Got a flat with Sui, Mish and Yung (my singapore course mate, her two housemates who are both from brunei) we are considering merging with another flat to form a mega 10 person flat just in case we can't get enough people to secure a 6 person flat. it's been a bit stupid but hopefully all goes well.

And lastly, well woes in the Singsoc but wat's new. archery has hit a snag over transport hope things getsorted. right off to reading now see you all soon.


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