Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sick and sick of it.

I guess we all ike to think that we are all healthy individuals. I like to think that i lead a particuarly healthy lifestyle. Okay so i eat mars bars quite regularly but what else do you expect me to do when i can't get dinner on tuesday and thursday till like 9pm??

Anyhow i blame it solely on the freshers. Stupid gits have to bring in all those germs from foreign places. i think my NS honed immunity to germs ingeneral has basically broken down but honestly, with the amount of filth in london, you'd think 3 months there shuld be enough to build it back up again. but i was so wrong. by now i've suffered over a week of sore throat. my nose finally cleared up on monday morning. not after it agonised me to struggle to hit 504 on a portsmouth. could hardly breathe at each shot. i'm now revising my target this year to 540. in anticipation that i want to take part in nationals back home in the summer.

right what else..... oh yes my new shoes. I've been waxing lyrical about my new acquisitions for the year of TWO yes TWO pairs of CLARK shoes. well yes they are ridiculously expensive athome but they are quite cheap over here and when they go on sale, WHOOPEE!! so for this year i bettered last year's buy one get one free offer by getting two shoes for the grand price of £30! yay!!!!!! so that's two pairs of all leather shoes for less than 100 dollars. i am a satisfied man. now i have, boots, casual, semi-formal and formal shoes. shoes for all occasions. now all i want is sandals.....
anyhow we went shopping at cheshire oaks (BIG RETAIL WARE HOUSE) and i dunno, why can't people shop efficiently. i basically had done all my shopping, surveyed all the shops (and even the ones in the neighbouring shopping centre) by 3 (we started at 1130) and i meet people who still haven't done a whole round. I mean it all came down to impulse shopping by the end of HAVING to get a £10 pair of liev's okay so they're levi's so wat? do you HAVE to buy them hen you've got 5 min left??? oh well guess big business wins here. Oh yeah i also bought a replacement pistachio v-neck sweater, to replace my lovely olive green bossini one. And now for the record i have officially changed gender for two whole paragraphs.

Oh yeah notts ames. i wanna go. but then iv'e got an econometric test on tuesday. ah well shan't play too much guess i'm not going. Why is everything clashing this year???? first i can't go to the isle of man coz it clashes with my planned triip to San Fran and now this..... sigh, God's tell me to buckel down and start working i guesss.

bugger this cough. hopefully it'll be gone by this friday then i can score another proper round.

Right getting off to do econometrics on this comp now. CIAO!


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