Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Edinburgh then back to hell

Yep uni has finally started and i must say it's gotten off to a really LOUSY start.
Let'se see.
Okay was shopping on saturday at tesco and while we were at the must stop waiting to go to town this young punk shouted at us "excuse me, speak english please". so yeah one of your typically yobs dressed in the national uniform of umbro track suit and addidas shoes and fake sports cap.
the little bugger could have been no older than 16 and he was smoking, had tattoos and was spitting and littering all over the place. one of his similarly dressed friends apologised for him but honestly i just wanted to ask him to get an education first. anyhow he promptly proceeded to ask us to help him break a pound coin. i mean the audacity, you insult me then ask for my help. i don't know but i still searched my wallet. of course i was ready to just wallop him if he made a move for my wallet but dunno why i even bothered in the first place.

Anyhow if my day couldn't get worse the bus came 10 min later a bus came and my bus was behind it. i was walking towards when i felt something hitting me then things landing on the ground. i looked down and saw broken eggs. i was thinking ' eggs? eggs? i didn't buy eggs did i?' then one of the other people in the bus stop motioned to us to move away coz the eggs were coming from above. turns out that a group of kids were throwing eggs at the three of us (asian students). when we moved towards our bus they crammed into the rear window and tried to open it to throw more eggs.

well at least i saw the funny side to the whole thing. 1stly the first guy will probably end up an alcoholic with a scarred liver, dying in his own filth in some council flat having lost his wife to a better man. And the 2nd group of kids well, they obviously belong to the UK's new generation of geniuses that don't even know how to be proper rascists. i mean use rotten egss at the very least if you want to pelt someone. heck use stones if you really want to get your point across. and i see that the soccer hooligan culture is strong and alive.

Yan said something really true yesterday. you know how you always think non-white people are the crime problems? well i've got news for you, here in the UK i fell safer with someone who isn't white than with a white guy. Proud of binge drinking, proud for being rude and offish. minority?
i daren't say NAY.

right anyhow. i ended my edinburgh holiday earlier by half a day to rush back to campus to sign up for my Principles of Finance course. Seemed simple enough. Well surprise i check on saturday, sunday and monday and lo and behold. NOTHING! i go to the undergraduate office and the lady recognizes me and tells me she's doing it right now. i meet a few of my friends later and find out Mai had just signed up that morning and she could access the course already. And I STILL COULDN'T. at the time of writing i still can't access the website. i'm about to go balistic.

Well as if monday couldn't get worse, the weather turns from cloudless and hot to cold with showers. as a result my backpack and jeans and pair of underwear, which i've been trying to get dry for 3 days coz they keep dropping on the ground and i need to wash it again, got wet after being nearly dry and i confidently left them out while i went to uni. damn you bbc weather.
but that ain't the worse, i find out at my 4pm lecture that i have a 9am seminar on tuesday. YIPPEE. make no mistake my next lecture in that day is at 4pm. whoop de doo.

sigh... i just hope the term get's better. at least i've secured my textbooks and my room and therefore the base of my operations is coming back into order.

well i'll blog about yesterday's message a little later.
oh yeah new fresher in church. heh. cute one too heh BUAHAHAHA!!!
right off to bed now. tried exercising today. just way too UNFIT. alex even commented that i look bigger. i.e. FAT.

boo to cute fresher. =P
*poke poke*
go run.
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