Friday, October 27, 2006


Hmm okay let's update me wee blog.
Things i have learnt about myself. I am paranoid about EVERYTHING. Which doesn't help coz i have a short fuse and i nearly let fly on wednesday at someone during archery. Sigh.......oh well, at least i bought them a pint after. (NOTE: i DO NOT buy alcohol as gifts, we're in the PUB and the ONLY beverage is ALCOHOL. which is why i carry two litres of water with me to socials all the time.)

right okay i actually typed a nice little ditty the toher day but blospot died on me so here i am try to remember what the hell i wrote.

I am the end of eternity
The vision of the void
The loathing of love unconditional
The shadow of the sun
I am the calm in chaos' embrace
The answer without asking
The I in you
The you in us

i'm still trying to figure out what it means. hehe and of course refining it. i start nicely sometimes but have a horrid way of trying to end it all... the alternative last two lines could be

The contradiction of conformity
I am but in between.

Dunno haha comments are welcome as always. even if you have NO idea what is going on thru my mind, wll then again even i don't... whee!

tired, got LOADS of work and i'm looking at a bunch of maths undergrads doing their test online in the next room. so intersting. doing maths on a comp. what ever happened to good old paper??

i love maths


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