Thursday, September 14, 2006

To my friend,

Well, this is of course interesting.
Make notmistake i'm not spoiling for a fight. Neither am I going on a witch hunt, or do i wish to erect pyres and start burning people.
Quite frankly, my brashness of comments and straightforwardness is going to lose me friends i guess. It's not that i want to lose them, but i guess, being overly honest is a problem.
To my friend. I thank you for your comment, i thank you for the honesty and the fact that you care enough to say something. however, i offer no apology for the content of my blog. I would apologise for the tone if it was offensive and while it would be futile to say that i did not mean to hurt anyone, i can say that i don't ever want to hurt my friends.
If you were expecting this and think that it's just a face saving act well then i'll leave it to you.
I live by the motto love the sinner hate the sin. If you have read this blog, that can only put you in one of a few categories.
1. you're a really close friend of mine who was one of the first to know of this blog when it started about 2 over years ago.
2. you're a friend of mine whom i feel comfortable shring the more detailed and private parts of my life, what i think and my views.
I think that about covers it.
If you do fall into those two categories, then i consider you a true friend whoever you are. And i think you should know that. having said that, you would also know that i accept all people, that i usually take the middle stance between all parties, that i don't judge people till i meet them. yes i gossip, i'm a fat hypocrite, but even for those people i hear or gossip things about, i get to know them before i form a firm opinion.
But all this is drivel to you and to anyone else i guess.

i think i might have written in a previous entry or maybe i've just it but i shall now put it down.
i think homosexuality is wrong. i do not bother with the argument of nature or nurture because i ultimately believe that regardless which is right, what we do is ultimately free choice. one can choose to defy nature just as people have curbed urges like anger or lust. nurtured habits can be changed just like smoking or swearing.
do i dislike or hate homosexuals? i'm not sure really. perhaps i do. do i hate the person? no. do i hate homosexuality? yes. i've read of people who acknowledged predelictions/likings/orientations to people of the same sex. But at the same time they have realised that it wasn't right and chose to curb those urges. do i then consider them gay? no, just as i do not label someone actively trying to crub their heavy drinking an alcoholic.
That is my view because it is the views that i have been brought up with and that i fully believe in.

but ultimately who am i to judge. i am in no position to judge. and i acknowledge that my comments can and have been judgemental. for that i apologise. i'm not perfect and i'm glad that you have pointed that out and reminded me of my mortality, although i would have wished for it under different circumstances. It's easy for me to shoot off my mouth.

well, whoever you are, i'm praying for you (hypocritical as this may sound). and i wish you well.

You, my friend, have proven your quality. As i expected. I don't blame you at all; never did. Most people cannot understand our circumstances and hardships. Just bear in mind that we exist all around you, whether conflicted or not. Your sweeping statements do us great injustice, especially when you do not fully comprehend the issue. I look forward to the day when i can tell you my story, educate you in the matter. Then perhaps you will find the word 'abomination' a little harder to spit at people. If i've come across as inflammatory, i apologise. That is not my intention. And yes, i consider you a true friend too.
No offense taken. No love lost.
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