Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Last day of work and the long road back.... I have an accent???!!!

Currently listening to a typical j-pop song with really bad enunciation of english but somehow it at least has nice lyrics. Not sure, i associate places in the world to music. I know this song reminds me of somewhere that i've travelled. i'm trying to figure out if it was in europe with px or maybe campus when i was walking alone back from teh library at 2am in teh morning before exams.
Song title : YOU by tsuchie feat. Kazami
sample lyrics : i feel beautiful, when i'm around you, i'm safe and comfortable coz you are wonderful, it feels natural to be around you.
okay so i'm being overly weepish ewwww...... stop cringing, i am a multifaceted person with many shades. hmph

right ended work yesterday and went for a drink with the rest of the office. NO i just took my usual juice drink while everyone progressed to getting a little tipsy. Which is one of the reasons i don't drink. I'm very appreciative that whenever my dad had to entertain colleagues in the mess he would always rinse brush his mouth to get rid of as much of the alcohol smell in his breadth. he drank in front of me and my brother until we were old enough and that was during wedding receptions. I can't imagine myself half staggering home to my family especially the kids stinking of smoke and alcohol and basically being a very bad father coz i would be slurred at that point. right anyhow
the people at work are REALLY nice
THey bought me a waterman yes READ IT PEOPLE A FRENCH FOUNTAIN PEN. WATERMAN...... I have no idea what to do with it...... probably give it to my dad i guess... or give it to someone else. it' s expensive make no mistake about it just thatwell it's wasted on me i have really BAD handwriting. watever.

Anyhow, i've actually been living in mortal fear for the past few weeks that when it all ended everyone would just tell me that i'm really useless or at the very best ignore me totally. but they all shook my hand, gave me their cards and were all really nice espcially neil and some of the others. And it's not because i'm a potential link to the central bank they are just generous people.
I'm actually quite touched by it all. for all the hardness and coldness of this city, the people are definitely very warm and friendly overall. i know that from church but even in such circumstances the peopleare realy nice. that stil doesn't mean that i like london, i stil can't get over the fact that the air is SO dirty. well i'm pretty thankful that i got this job really. it's so strange thatfor all the nonsense that happened in the beginning of the year with internships this has turned out very nicely. I mean i take it as a sign from God that he's got things planned out of me and at the same time that i've got something good going with px.
coz if i had gone back to MAS to work then i'd have a shorter europe holiday which would have sucked. Then i wouldn't have wanted to come back next year and thus basically prolonging a rather agonising separation. and basically it's quite hard for me to get another internship in the City coz i'm bonded, uk companies even branches of US ones are quite reluctant to try out people who are already stuck somewhere else. very different mentality to the US firms. oh well..... and a whole load of things like my mum would not have been able to see london for6 weeks, etc etc etc. LOTS OF THINGS..... i'm really grateful. Thank you .

okay where was i... oh yes brought hongyi and of course with singaporeans i speak singlish lah. but then of cousre when i speak to non singaporeans i switch back to how i would usually speak english. it was then that hongyi pointed out that horror of all horrors i'd developed an accent!!!! OH NO!!! oh well i've always code changed..... but really i usually speak proper english wat....
hmm and i've always had this rather fake sounding voice.... oh well... retribution for always being annoyed with people who speak perfectly good english but put on a fake accent when in front of ang mohs. point i don't do that, as long as they are singaporeans i speak in the same 'fake' english that i've been doing for SO long.

right okay oh yes one more thing. Thames Festival. beats notting hill hands down. It's way smaller, it's not as loud but it has GREAT costumes, live drum bands with proper music and it'sa lot more well less crazy and intoxicated. People say that notting hill is a parade about everything wrong in the world. I'd agree. The thames parade had really elaborate costumes and even floats and none of that loud music from speakers but actualy bands. cool eh?

well going back tomorrow. sigh...... NOW i want to remain in london, maybe i should have gone to a more pleasant placce than COVENTRY>>>

urgh.... i complain too much

u've collected ur paycheck *hint* we're expecting a mini treat when u're back in SG

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