Saturday, September 02, 2006

Homophobia, Muslim Beauty Queens and Carnival another week in london

Yep well possibly from the title i possibly might get my scholarship revoked over sensitive issues but heck.
anyhow, yeah recently there's talk about allowing lesbian couples and single mums to get sperm donations /fertilizations even though the new born will have no father.
there have been calls that the law requiring the family to have a father is homophobic. Which leads me to wonder. Why do they call it homophobia?
i mean a phobia is an irrational fear of something right? like arachnaphobia, and the fear of heights or claustrophobia. are any of us seriously afraid of homophobia. and even if we are, are the fears irrational?
i mean for one, even though heterosexuals and drug users are guilty of transmitting HIV, homosexuals/bisexuals possibly have as much if not more blame for the global endemic but let's not point fingers alright? how about the well established ideology of the family that lesbians, feminists and homophiles oppose? i mean one man one woman form a family how hard is that to understand? they claim that homosexuality was formerly well accepted in enlightened societies. to that i only have one thing to say, where are those societies now? if they were so advanced and enlightened, why did they die out surely their higher morals and rationalisations should have survived if they were so great. the truth of the matter is that the generic family of man woman and children is THE basic and fundamental building block of humanity. those societies broke down because they gave in to the most debase of carnal desires and thus led to the break down of them. their tolerance of such disgusting practices were their undoing and will be ours if we follow on this slippery slope of liberalism. ah well you get my drift
i'm not afraid them. i'm afraid of the effect they will have on MY way of life. it's all this talk about ways of life and stuff so why can't traditional people like me protect OUR way of life? why is being conservative so sinful? I'm claiming my right to live according to my beliefs and not have it shoved in my face. i mean heterosexuals don't prace around coz we're proud to be hetero, sheesh. it's like homosexuals need parades to tell everyone their gay so they can get laid amongst all the poor music and booze and drugs.
i am not afraid, if i was then perhaps the majority of the world is homophobic (in that case then it isn't an irrational fear if it's more the norm now is it?).
i don't detest them. i detest the things they do. so i'm not homo phobic. so stop calling me that.

and yeah well there's this new Miss England who's a Muslim. which honestly is rather a contradiction. from what i know, muslim women are taught to be modest (burqa/hijab or not) and modest she is not. to start with, beauty pageants require a swim wear section and basically it's a BEAUTY pageant, no matter how much brains count it's about the superficial beauty, so un less she can 100% say that such pageants are some what driven by the modern day obsession with sex and the sex sells then she's not a worthy spokeswoman for Islam. basically she's used her elevated status to condemn tony blair (whom i'm no fan of) and his policy on Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. Funnily enough, she herself is a Afghan refugee fleeing the Taliban. So while British soldiers on the orders of tony blair and dying to liberate her country so that she now has the Option of returning home she's bashing him. talk about ungratefulness. which is what chracterises all the racial/cultural tensions that's arising in the UK at the moment, refugees and migrants come here seeking the Good Life taht western capitalism and all it's pitfalls brings but then want to stamp their way of life on the society. In rome do as the romans do. i'm glad that Home isn't like this you either fit in or shift out. It's people like this mid-rift baring beauty queen that is at the root of racial tensions, rather than using their status to solve problems their creating more. oh well, humans are ungrateful by nature, hey look how we turned our backs on Jesus.

and finally carnival
well i've typed SO much about other things here i'd just say a little about the Notting Hill Festival. it's europes largest carnival and the world's 2nd largst (1000000 people visited this year) but honestly it's a bore. there were no floats, just big trucks with even bigger speakers. lots of flesh baring little dancing. i must admit that some of the costumes were dazzling but overall it was a bunch of denim wearing revellers guzzling booze and walking to the beat of
caribbean' music that threatened to deafen you.

yep that's my week in london

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