Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blighto..Brighton, Espana! and the death of one happy man

This was going to be a very grumbly blog as all my entries are but well things happen and I am surprisingly feeling sad right now.

To start with i shall be grumpy haha coz i mean i still need to write about my life don't I? strangely i'm listening to Coldplay right now, doesn't get more depressing right? oh well
Yeah went with my Mum to brighton on saturday. oh i didn't tell you guys? she's spending 6 weeks with me in London. yeah anyway...
yes so where IS brighton? it's about 70 miles south of London on the coast. It's basically one of britain's famours seaside towns.
Well it's all that you ever expected about a british beach anyhow. first of all there's the pier with the tacky amusement park at the end. but honestly it's like something out of 'the 5 people you meet in heaven' i mean you'd never expect to see a 70's type pier still operating right? it's sister pier to it's west has already burnt down. Yeah so there's your over priced candy rock and popcorn and then the very very inane arcades. By gum, ther's more arcades in that one entire beach than there are in singapore and for very good reason as you'l soon find.
There was an indoor ice skating rink (not made of ICE of course) but some laminated plastic. yup had fish and chips there which was rather expensive but i mean hey, it's the beach you've just GOT to eat fish and chips there right? nearly had a spotted dick but realised that it was basically a waste of money to eat pudding with raisins.
anyway by now the winds had basically whippedto monsoon levels and the light rain was now striking my face now. it's wasn't tropical storm rain but it was hell of a depressing. grey skies, bleak sea, no wonder the english are such a sorry lot.
The beach and ocean view is great. it's a really long coast that you can't possibly sea the end of and i just love looking out to the vastness of the ocean save for a few problems. it's cold, it's wet, and the beach is not made of sand but pebbles *ouch*. yeah so my mum and I conveniently leave the beach and go for the promenade. Interestingly enough there was a meeting ot Lancia (an italian car) owners which was interesting. all those people with the EXACT same car coming together to talk about the car that they all have. haha i don't know if it's banal or fun haha!
yeah so we basically walk along brighton which turns out to be like every other town in the UK. i mean yes we skipped all the historical places but only coz you have to pay to get in them and honestly i don't think their worth it. There was this thing called the royal pavillion which was a palace prince albert/george/geronimo built because he was fascinated with indian architecture. Quite honestly, having seen the taj mahal and other indian palaces, its pales BADLY in comparison. That's british for you, always trying to be outstanding but coming out poorly. a forecast for the olympics?
Yeah well after that it was just making our way through the little area aptly known as The Lanes which was cute. there were some nice shops but of course everything is way to expensive. would have bought mum a coat if they weren't so damned pricey. dunno why an 80 quid coat can cost 20 by the end of winter sure it can be displayed for next year and people wouldn't know the diff.... female fashion.....sheesh
well then the heavy rain came down and we had an hour left before the bus back. i thought that 5 hours for a day trip in brighton was a bad idea, it was, should have only scheduled for 3. ended up resting on a park bench and eating my cold egg mayo sandwich and whiling the time away in torrential rains. how english of us.
yup so made our way back to the bus for a night out in london. we've been the two comedy shows and they were both pretty good so we thought we'd go for another one. BAD idea. to start with most of them won't that funny but that was okay i mean not every joke is good but the thing was that the gig started late and there were 9 acts! seriously you can have a few acts to give variety but 9 is REALLY too much. some of the jokes were just in plain bad taste (and if I say so it's REALLY in bad taste). and it just dragged on and on and on. oh well it was only 5 quid each so no complaints.
I maintain that being drunk is plain dumb. on sunday after church we went to Espana at regent street. a street festival basically to promote spain as a tourist area. nothing to do with drinking but there was free food. i don't think we have to say anything else. i dunno WHY we seem to be so abashed of our kiasu culture. BY GUM you should have seen the pushing and shoving that people were willing to go through for free fruit cake samples it was MAD. i mean there are some really rude words to describe the scene there and as i was caught in the middle of it (yes yes i went for some too) i was just so amazed at the universal power the word FREE has. haha and there was free piela, free appertifs, free nuts/olive/cakes free pancakes. sadly i never got the free bandana.oh well.
yep so an end to another weekend. but then there was this morning. i grab the paper only to read that steve irwin is dead.
It is a shock a very very rude one. not because of his crazy lifestyle, or the fact that he was a celebrity. in fact i don't usually find celebrity deaths anything to be particularly sad about. i wasn't a fan of his either but his death was significant. steve irwin was a happy person. maybe offscreen he had problems but each time you heard his 'CRIKEY!' or 'KOR!!' you just felt so happy. he brought a smile to your face and you genuinely felt that he was happy. it's sad that we see the end of such a passionate man. you've got brain dead environmentalist who tie them selves to trees or try to break into power stations. you've got animal lovers like peta who are just a pain or are just human hating when they write to a rabbit hunter's family that he should have died when caught rabbit flu. i think he made the world more aware of the plight animals in his loving, positive and enthusiastic manner than any of them did combined. and his passing is something we should mourn for. I suppose i feel sad because he was a nice guy and i really hate it when the good guy gets it. i don't mean good guy as in the idiot with the'right' values, but the genuine nice guy who has done his best and gets his wonderful blessed life snuffed out like that. my only consolation is that he got done in while doing what he loved best.

this one entry will have the honour of being dedicated to someone and that will be Steve Irwin, will his wacky, over-the-top love for life and all that lives live on.

"got done in" ?? sound like the books i'm reading. :P
the steve irwin incident is really sad. it's all over the news here.

hey u. take care haha. will try and reply emails soon... hehe

I'm one of your friends. And i'm gay. For obvious reasons you don't know who i am. Yet. Your comments on people like me hurt and sadden me. Remember what you have written here, and when the day that you find out who i am comes, i hope you will still have the same conviction to say it to my face. That i am carnal, and disgusting, and i don't deserve a 'family' just because it doesn't fit your definition. You may claim to not be a homophobe; by my definition you are very much one.
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