Friday, March 10, 2006

I'ts been one long roller coaster

Somehow i'm not blogging enough. Which is good coz that means i'm having a lot to do and experiencing life. On the other hand it means that no one knows what is going on with me.

Well let's see, i'm about to bust $1200 on a piece of metal that shoots other pieces of metal. AKA a BOW. Dunno why i really want one coz i'm a guy and having stuff is FUN.
On i don't think i'll improve to the point that i'll be regular competition stuff but over all i just like the sport. Sure it gets frustrating when i shoot a bad round but that's what makes it so addictive.
The pure joy of shooting a good round woopee. Oh well i'l see how it goes

couple of weeks back i didn't make it to the exco for United Nations. Rather disappointed really but maybe it's for the best. i honestly like it a lot but i'm still going to go for conferences, it's so much better debating about things atually happening in the world rather than ridiculous topics.

Oh yeah music wise i've got this new MP3 of Joan Osbourne's song 'What if God was one of us'
I remember that when this song came out nearly 10 over years ago i condemned it for being blesphemous but after hearing it again and actually listening to teh words it isn't i guess. It's really quite good in that it questions a lot of things.
But first i suppose my dislike for things like hillsongs and most 'rock/alternative' band worship songs. I dunno why, each time i go to church and listen to the congregation sing i feel like i'm in the presence of God. But everytime i hear songs from people like chris tomlinson and the like, i feel that they are singing more of themselves them for God. I don't see how people can even listen to their shouting or mumbling. I mean, i think it's fine if you want to use a bass guitar and drums to praise God, but when i hear the songs a lot of them sound pretty much like metallica, i can't hear the words and most of the lyrics are quite meaningless. Yes we should praise God, but just saying the word 'holy' like 20 times in succession doesn't really tell anyone what you think about God. And in trying to rhyme or i dunno fit the beat most of the lyrics are so contextual that I don't think anyone can understand it I mean with hymns the message is so clear, Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, or Holy holy holy, Lord God Almighty.

Many people call me a prude. i take no offense but i think that as much as worship is a personal thing, no matter what we do non-chirstians are gonna look at tus and wonder, what are they doing? I mean if a non-christian looked at hill songs with all the throngs of people like i've seen in videos, how are they oging to differentiate that from a pop concert?

But that aside there's joan osborne song.
And it really has some meaningful lyrics. Maybe i'm being hypocritical, i mean i don't entirely find the song right but the message was pretty clear.
Things like 'If God had a name? What would it be and would you call it to his face?"
Which makes you wonder. God has given us his name. So yeah he does have a name, but would we dare call it? Should we call it? Can we call it by that? We say that name is holy and all but i mean we use the word GOD so loosely it really isn't funny.

And then she went on to say ," If God had a face, what would it look like and would you wanna see, if seeing meant you'd have to believe." I think that's a very powerful challenge to both Christians and non christians a like.
Lots of times we cry out to God to show us a sign when we actually know the answer and really just want to lie to ourselves that it's the wrong one. So what happens if God shows us a direct sign? We have to believe! Or would we be just like the pharisees, who saw and refused to believe?
And how about non-christians? If God trully showed a sign would they accept i'm not sure. I really don't. But i do think it is something to think about.

Yeah going to italy soon WHEE!!!!!!

SEe you all!!

this comment isn't exactly for this post - just wanted to say thanks for the blog entry on NYC, it was well in point form and easy to read haha. Just hope it won't be to cold when I get there.

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