Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I haven't blogged in a month

Yes yes i know i said the blog isn't date a WEEK ago but yeah it's hols and i've got a TONNE of work. funny, everyone seems so surprised that i do. hmm....?

Anyhow merry christmas to everyone out there. My christmas was pretty SO SO a plain which is good. Had dinner with parents, fish soup in charcoal steamboat, doesn't get better than that now does it?

I was looking through my music library. Btw i am now the owner of a nice lime green ipod mini, eons after everyone already got theirs. well it's free so i'm not complainig. EXCEPT.... HOW DO I GET THE MUSIC OUT OF MY IPOD??????? Stupid software doesn't work and apple had to go and put in all their fail safe barriers. in any case yeah my song are all rather depressing as one of my flat mates pointed out. Hmm i wonder why. All the songs i have are sounds of people crying out in some for of pain. maybe i'm in pain you never know.

oh yeah watched narnia. I have to say that the CGIwas nothing to crow about. The rendering wasn't taht good so you could tell what was fake and what wasn't. Perhaps they blew their budget on Aslan and basically everything else had to be cut. I know that Jadis is the same actress as in Constantine but i can't remember her name but her double sword/magic icicle and sword combo is just SO COOL. I just wish she had more expression than just giving us that icy look. Perhaps it's part of the persona but come on, show some blood when you get angry right?
And yeah i guess CS Lewis had a rather lame way of 'killing' people by turning them to stone but hey i'm not complaining in fact this movie at least tries to stay true to the original text unlike some marvel other movies. A bit draggy i have to admit but i'm sure it's better than 3 hours of brain numbing violence from King Kong, i'd rather watch ants fight.
Overall a decent movie worth watching on teh big screen and i must say CS lewis and the directors have a much better sense of battles than tolkein and jackson. Not dissing the author, just making a comparison.

Looking forward to the other movies though i hear that Magician's nephew isn't going to be done. BLEAH.

Well it feels kinda good to be blogging again. see you all around eh?

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