Tuesday, December 27, 2005

back to Back Blogs

I haven't blogged this much in AGES. oh well
hmm, 155 blogs in 2 years which means a blog every 5 days or so not bad.

Why am i blogging, i dunno why.
I think teh reason why i didn't want to go back to Singapore is coz i'd hate to leave. i mean i like singapore. the reason why i wanted to get off this rock was because i had teh opportunity and i wanted it. Right now coming back to teh familiar and the love, it sucks going back to my 3.5X2.5 cell. Not that life in the UK is overrated or sucks. i 'm fine with it. Just that going back to church and all i've seen where i've actually missed out a lot on int eh past and recently. Funny, no matter which circle i'm in i somehow always seem to be the outsider. Maybe i have commitment problems....... heh

Oh well....... Soon i'll be going back. But oh well she's there! hehe BIG PLUS
REAL BIG PLUS. I must admit i'm getting a little worried about the future.
I mean the past 4 years and 8 months have been easy from what i see compared to what lies ahead. The next time i'll get to see her at home will be....... 2007? When she grads from grad school. hmm yeah we'll see each other again but yeah. It's gonna be like last year in NS, one year without seeing her. Sure i had work to keep my mind off her for like 6 out of 7 days and i'll avhe school, but i seriously will suck lah. I'm usually fine with only talking, but not seeing physically for a WHOLE BLOODY YEAR is gonna suck the life out of me. Oh well, hope i don't descend into the state of mindless moodiness i had last year. Me gonna be HAPPY. H-A-P-P-Y.

I hope......

In other news i am........ hmmmmm
and today's quote of the day

'Something happened along the way." Don't ask the context i just thought it was an interesting thing to have said.

OH yeah as i type this i'm on MSN and i want to officially say that JM bakes GREAT CAKES!
She can quote me on this if ever she needs advertising.

Celebrities should have blogs, then do product placements on them and earn money. That's the ultimate of endorsements. Imagine brad pitt's blog saying i love xxx gel coz it makes my hair look so GREAT. heh

right i'm descending into delirium

what nonsense, i'll come and bug you again in summer AND next winter. =P
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