Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Yes yes i know it's pathetic that i've only blogged like 4 times in the last months. And everyone probably has given up on my blog oh well... SIGH

fine so it's a minute amount BOO HOO. so what!

Anyhow yeah it freezing and the floor is icy and this is the coldest winter we've had EVER.

goodness. In anycase i'm going back soon hopefully catch up with people and stuff. Hmm never thought i'd like going back but i ahve like a WHOLE lot of stuff to lug back so yeah.....

RIGHT, off now. Thank goodness my homework is finished.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Which is not blow wind west
it's Cambridge University INternational Model United Nations 11

First inmpression of Cambridge is that it is exactly like Oxford. You really could’t tell the difference between the two.

It’s basically two towns that are supported by the patronage of the staff and students. Nice ain’t? YOU’ve got your so called cobblestone paths and narrow streets and the tallest building in there is the central library. Heh

Well essentially there are two GOOD things about Cambridge, one they have HUGE libraries which is like SO cool I just cannot imagine them having problems borrowing books. Also, the proximity to shops. Being able to buys anything you want from anywhere isreally great

That said, kezheng has a HUGE Room. The only thing is that it doesn’t have internet access which is a MAJOR bummer if you ask me. And I like having a flat with a few more people in it it’s more cozy.

Okay no more about MUN

I think I quite like MUN, its’ quite informative. But honestly I think the best thing I take away from this is that I am SO glad I’m not in the MFA as I have repeatedly said. It’s really silly how you debate for hours over topics, restricted by your country’s national policy and basically you come out with a resolution that makes your BLOOD BOIL. You can’t get your point across, more often that not you’re going to be going against your own will, and you just keep singing the same song. In fact you know the song that everyone is going to be singing that it just makes you want to puke blood and die. Anyhow, I think it’s a great way to like find out about different countries both through the research as well as through the presentations and speeches. I think that while it is important for people to reflect the views of the country that they represent, having an opinion and seeing how it compares to the national strain makes things really interesting especially when you have an American representing Iraq hehe.

OH well I did get RATHER pissed at DISEC. I mean first of all half of the people there were just going for fun. They didn’t do their research and they sure as hell didn’t bother to speak up or anything. And basically after the first day where there were like 60 delegates then the second day it dropped to 40 which was SO annoying. Oh well.

And it was so annoying when we failed one of the better resolutions and ended up passing a really crappy ones. I mean some of the delegates just stood up to talk about hamburgers and jacket potatoes which was really nonsensical and their points were just irrelevant. Ah well so sad In Young couldn’t chair DISEC otherwise we would probably have had a better time.

Yup oh well overall it was a pretty good I guess. Right on the coach to Milton Keyes. BUGGER. Goodnight,

Thursday, November 03, 2005

OKAY i know i haven't been writing

I'm happy for a couple of reasons.

First of all i'm blogging. Which is good because that means i'm of sound mind.

Next my keyboard is working.

I got 75 on my first test which considering how careless i've been lately with my math ( what's new) is GOOD. Should have gotten a ninety at least (slaps head in agony).

WOOHOO our first competition is this weekend. Hopefully i don't screw it up i'm still trying to find a good bow. Tried one with a heavier draw weight today but it had a funny sigh hopefully i can get to try out another one. Inthe mean time i gues i'll stick to the lighter one i've been using it.

Yup overall a good week although it's supposed to be reading week for the politics student but aparently that doesn't extend to me the half breed econs politics student.

Oh yeah HAD CELL GROUP on saturday finally bible study where i don't have to lead :) :)
So yeah my blogs are getting shorter coz i've left my window open so my room is FREEZING........ will write more soon i hope.