Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yes yes i'm back finally

Hey guys,
I'm finally bloggin again.
It'll be a while before i tell of my first week in the UK and all i can say that it has been both a blessing from God and a hellish nightmare that i finally pulled through with his grace.

But i'm in Warwick now with my dorm and all. Orienatation has started and I've made some new friends.

I'm good, save for the STOOPID laptop that has one problem after another. Okay shan't gripe now shall save that for a BIG entry heh.

Thanks for sending me off yah?
And for those that didn't heh BLEAH!! hahahahaha

Well i'm off to bed now. Waking up tomorrow to run. See you guys!

And God bless.

Oh yeah one prayer point. Having a little trouble finding Christian friends, and the culture here tends towards to drinking and smoking lot so yeah will need your prayers for these.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Neverending the wait has ended

I'm sitting here in front of the ocmputer thinking. I'm going to university soon. Yet i am still in my composed or rather decomposed state of slack that i have no idea if i'm anxious, nervous, apprehensive, excited or what ever it is that yo're supposed to experience when going to university.

I dunno, i'm looking forward to finally being FREE. i know this sounds so 16-ish but really, i grew to like not going home everyday in the army just hanging in the lounge or talking to the men stuff like that. No nagging and stuff. That's one aspect that didn't grow in me i seriously hate nagging.

OH well, nothing really profound to realy yak about really. Packing is getting underway smoother than usual. I'm getting fat so i hope the weather there is good enough to run in.

My entries are getting shorter and shorter maybe it's coz i blog at the end of the day and thus have forgotten all that i had planned to so eloquently put down when i first thought about it. Hmm, like smoking.

COuple of days ago i was looking at a trio of smokers outside Zara. They were just puffing into each other's faces. Apart from the fact that i think it should be bad from the skin i can't undrstand this 'social' behaviour. I mean people with colds don't stand around dust bins, coughing at each other while they blow their noses and throw the tissue into the bin. So why do these people love to smell each other's foul breath? We don't see people with diarrhoea and gas problems sitting together in toilets and inhaling the aroma from down under do they? (yes this is GROSS)
But really i think inhaling 2nd hand smoke is just as bad.

On a separate note i'm generally blissful.... or just blythe i dunno oh yeah mid autumn fest is just around the corner.
I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY MOON CAKES ARE SO EXPENSIVE. 12 bucks for one is RIDICULOUS i mean with the money i spend on the cakes i could get a really GOOD meal somewhere right? So while shopping for some at Change Alley this afternoon i promptly sample enough cake to make me feel slightly indulgent just to get back at this capitalistic hotels. HMPH
HA that shall teach them to sell cakes so expensive actually i think that the real reason why they are so expensive is because they give away SO many samples that to make up for the ones they gave free they have to sell them at exhorbitant prices. I mean i'm sure i'm not the ONLY one not gorging myself on Raffles Hotel's No. 2 mooncake.

Heh. yeah the moon is high and ROUND.

I wanted to post a song up ended up typing this


I wanted to put up this song by Fall out Boy coz it;s pretty rad but it was rather screligious so i decided against it. Sigh... packing my room up which basically consists of shoving stuff i wanna keep into little corners so that no one else touches them. Funny, my parents expect me to wipe out 21 years of existence in a few weeks by throwing everything out. Hmph.

On a better note.... well no better note really, gonna leave, gonna leave. I just woke up the other day and realised that 'HEY! i won't be back for a while!'

Hmm oh well guess I might start writing some departing words here in public heh.

Hmm okay for the Exco. Dunno how many of you read this but for those who do i sincerely hope that my bday wish comes true and you guys continue to meet up even though 1/3 of us aren't around, we'll be back at least i promise that, heh. Zhenyu might get stolen by some US firm to go earn big bucks.


As for the rest well, i'll think of something.


toodles for now