Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The clock starts ticking

You know, it was just about 2 years ago that this was all happenning. Well at least it didn't happen on my birthday.
Running out of stuff to verbate about on the blog seeing that i now have two blogs to regularly update but oh well looks like i've forgotten why i started this one in the first place.
Oh well two eyars on and the clock's rewound, the whole process starts all over again. Dunno which one is worst being in NS but still being in Singapore or finally getting to go study but being in a foreign land threatened by imams and bombs. Don't get me wrong, i don't have the hang ups about leaving Singapore (place, i repeat place not people). I'm glad to finally be getting off this rock and getting some fresh air before i come back as a desk bound drone. *tap tap tap goes the keybouard*

The sepearation seems i dunno, harder this summer, you'd think 2 years would be harder to leave behind rather than just one summer. Oh well, i guess it's all for the better.

Some of you are probably going to punch me for not sending her off, or rather you guys wouldn't even have known if i hadn't told you. SIgh........

Mind in a daze, gotta get back to studying calculus and stats. SIGH..... the days of my life.......

Enough sighing, on a lighter note, finally managed to get accomodation for my parents and me in the heart of Coventry, and the lady was really nice. I booked the place with only an email, no deposit nothing. How kind of her eh?

yeah going to go off soon....

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