Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lots to do

There really is a lot of stuff i need to do. Tum ti tum..
OH well.
Packing is 80% done i guess but i think there's always that 5 % that will never get done. Funny eh?
HOpe i can get my new shoes soon, i picked them out just haven't bought them, thei'r kind monochrome of blue and white not my usual colour but it's really cool looking. They actually look fast, to tell you the truth their just the upgrade of my previous pair of shoes which have officially been the longest pair of running shoes i've ever had. And the fact that i run in them more than i've ever run in any other pair of shoes is a testament to how good they are and why i love them.
New balance rocks. Nike just gives you pieces of rubber.

Have to enrol soon. Hmm, nearly flipped when i realised that I had to one day after i leave, talk about BUMMER.

Must study, i've been assured that anyone can catch up, but i must admit, f maths is actually kinda interesting (i really did like it in JC just all the stress didn't help) now that i'm revising. Good to have that head-slapping sensation whenever i get something.

When i'm going to leave.. i forget the exact details but erm.... 11th sept, TG414, 2145 flight i think..... that means i'll be there around 7 plus...
To zhenyu, once again BIG SORRY for not sending you off.

I'm kinda at a low right now. Dunno why. I think i'm actually going to miss being in Singapore. It's like all the times i left comfortable situations and went on to something different, particularly when i went to RI from ACS and then HC from RI, and even when i left the army and went to work. That disjointed feeling of leaving the familiar. Oh well, gonna miss you all.

I'll be back in December.... wedding and all, maybe catch up with you guys and you can find out if i managed to stay sober in the UK.

What have i been busy doing?Ripping music from my CDs. I realise that i am going to be SO bored at some point in time so i might as well rip some familiar music to help me get i dunno away. That and the fact that i can't bring my comics over so i need SOME distractio

Enough of ranting, this tires me..... YAWN. backto ripping and mugging. This sounds totally criminal....


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The clock starts ticking

You know, it was just about 2 years ago that this was all happenning. Well at least it didn't happen on my birthday.
Running out of stuff to verbate about on the blog seeing that i now have two blogs to regularly update but oh well looks like i've forgotten why i started this one in the first place.
Oh well two eyars on and the clock's rewound, the whole process starts all over again. Dunno which one is worst being in NS but still being in Singapore or finally getting to go study but being in a foreign land threatened by imams and bombs. Don't get me wrong, i don't have the hang ups about leaving Singapore (place, i repeat place not people). I'm glad to finally be getting off this rock and getting some fresh air before i come back as a desk bound drone. *tap tap tap goes the keybouard*

The sepearation seems i dunno, harder this summer, you'd think 2 years would be harder to leave behind rather than just one summer. Oh well, i guess it's all for the better.

Some of you are probably going to punch me for not sending her off, or rather you guys wouldn't even have known if i hadn't told you. SIgh........

Mind in a daze, gotta get back to studying calculus and stats. SIGH..... the days of my life.......

Enough sighing, on a lighter note, finally managed to get accomodation for my parents and me in the heart of Coventry, and the lady was really nice. I booked the place with only an email, no deposit nothing. How kind of her eh?

yeah going to go off soon....

Monday, August 22, 2005

Chocolate barbeque and tardiness

To all my beloved regular readers, i must sincerely apologise for being so tardy in updating all of you voyeurs on my very uninteresting lives. heheh

In any case, i've been trying to spend as much quality time with my dearest that has left me devoid of energy of all other activities hehehe (somehow this doesn't bode well does it hehehhahahah!). So pray be patient and your regular program will continue shortly.

On a side not, i've been to 3 barbecues with different majority of university students present and i'd like to announcement that they all have some unique thing they do with chocolate at barbecues.

Cornell - BBQ marshmallows on sticks with chocolate wedged in between

Chicago - banana and chocolate pieces wrapped in foil and bbq

Warwick - bbq pound cake subsequently drenched in chocolate sauce, something like kaya toast.

Yes that's all... conking off.......

Monday, August 15, 2005


I'M 21!!!!!!!!!
Yeah exhausted after a day of fun with some1 hee hee!
GOING TO SLEEP and hopefully i can wake up late for once in my life. in recent times.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Darn toot'in cool Song

"Dare You To Move"

Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be


Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here

Okay i forgot who is this by but it's a great song and somehow i feel it's super uplifting. NOt in a feel good way but in a pick me up kind of way. If you guys know it i'm sure you hum the chorus once in a while


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ice cream on 40

So sorry that i have been so tardy in updating. I've been trying to start another blog for the youth in my church. That and work has kept me rather busy so terribly sorry.

I promised to blog about a little fun that i had with some friends down at teh esplanade (oh no i'm bloggin about everyday happenings again! :P )

Anyhow, we had just had dinner at this place called "Alternative Appetites" (i think) where i ate 'THE BARBARIAN), tallest burger that i have EVER seen, 4 patties of beef, chicken and fish. First time ever i didn't feel hungry after a meal in a LONG time, particular with this bunch. Anyhow, we then went to explanade to talk and coz Sonia had Hagen Daz vouchers we bought a pint of ice-cream.

Haagen Daz is OVERPRICED. But the ice-creams good so i can forgive them for now. WHile the guys was scooping our pint of Vanilla, Caramel and Brownie ice-cream, i and Darryl engaged in a very LOUD conversation which went something like that:
Darryl: Oh it's packed on the spot
I: Yeah not like ben & Jerry's, machine packed, gives you full value for money
Darryl: yeah I hope he packs it properly
I: Yeah last time whenever my parents bought ice-cream they'd always ask the person to pack squeeze teh ice-cream to make sure it was compact.
Darryl: Yeah i hope Haagen Daz does that as well.
(conversation was kinda repetitive and in increasing volume)

We got a full pint glad to say. And REAL BROWNIES IN ICE CREAM ROCKS.

Anyhow, we went to eat the ice cream at the sculpture outside esplanade which was a big '40' on the ground. We sat 'in' the '4' and shared the ice-cream. Gladly we passed daryl twice while he was enthralled in the dry ice. Actually a pint of ice cream can be split amongst 9 people quite nicely. OH well, then someone commented that if anyone wrote about 9 friends sharing ice-cream while sitting on the number 4 in a 40, it just sound totally silly heh!

Then came the trying to take a picture at the 'I WAS HERE' sculpture. TOok us forever to capture the whole thing and we kept getting interrupted by other people. Sheesh. Reminds me of NewYork and pesky tourists from a certain country far north but NEVERMIND.

Yah that's about all i'm going to ramble about today. First year that i've never watched NDP, dunno WHAT it's about heh. I choose to be indifferent. Acutally i was packing my room.

Well toodles people have some things in the works, maybe i'll post them soon.