Thursday, July 07, 2005

A few days ago at a bus stop

A few days ago at a bus stop i was talking to a friend of mine. He's a non-christian and although i can't remember how we were talking about God.

While i know that i lambasted a previous article about not finding God in the wrong places, i am fully convinced that God reveals himself through the most unusual ways (as long as they gratify Him and he is NOT misquoted).

I was explaining to my friend about one of the major paradox of life, God's granting of free will and predestination by God's perfect plan.

Of which my friend asked me, 'how can you believe in a God you can't understand?' I answered as any good Christian would, with the story of Job and how God had asked him things like how the earth was made and all. In the end job realised that he can never fathom God's ways and should not attempt to. Therefore he just believes and is grateful.

After a lengthy explanation (which i am usually prone to) my friend asked me another question that should have been my answer. In fact his reply/question was so profound that i was stunned by the simplicity yet poignancy and importance his statement carried for me.

My friend asked, ' So you basically have faith in God.'

What an interesting question. I believe in something i cannot understand, have never seen simply because i have Faith.

I do not believe because I can reason that he exists. I do not believe because i have a head full of bible knowledge. I believe because I have FAITH in God and through that comes the understanding.

First and foremost we are called to believe and have faith.

Hebrews 11:1-2
By Faith
1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.
3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Have faith and you will see.

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