Thursday, June 23, 2005

the propensity, capacity and necessity to hurt

I think we all have the innate want, ability and need (yes need) to hurt. By this i qualify that this is all within the premise that humans define our own little world, that what is , is waht we believe or chose to believe.

Which bring me to my first and possibly only point. (Tis isn't my usualy style of writing, in school during exams i like to immediately laeve for the toilet and sit there for a good 5-10 min planning out my essay with my fingers on teh toilet cubicle door.) I'm just writing this as it comes to my head.

All humans want one thing, and one thing only, control. Not money, not fame, not honour and glory, not peace, not enlightenment, not the way. We want A way, OUR way. All others are just tolls to gain that control.

Which leads me to my 2nd point, humans are insecure. As compared to the animal kingdom, where size or speed matter humans must compare on every level. He's faster, he's richer, she's prettier, she's more popular. We find any and everything to comper. OTher than for survival we have invented another thing, face value. We have to 'look good'.

Add the two together and u have this result, a distinct dislike for everyone else.
Why? we know that we are not superior to everyone else so we have to somehow look superior. We know that we can't control others, but if we can't control others that would make them superior to us thus we have to find a way to control them.

The quest for superiority is the quest for control. Theo ne that contorl is the superior one.

Therefore we hurt. We want to for we want to control. We want control over how other's feel, how they react, how the act subsequently, how they think. Hurt, drives some people so much taht the hurt defines all that they do. And hurt hits everyone. No one is impervious to being hurt, words affect everyone. Even the most in control people in teh world can be hurt by those close to them. We often hurt those close to us because we know them well and they are also those that threaten us the most. That is why we want to hurt them. If we can control someone so close and is so linked to you, total strangers would be easier.

We can hurt. Simply becuase it is too easy to do so. Hurting is simply lording one's rights over another. As long as any two people have a connection, hurt is possible. It is all too easy.

We need to hurt.
We don't need to, but the world makes it seem like we do. We are given rights, we are given laws, we are given control all so that we can further establish these by hurting others.

HOw have we hurt eacho ther?

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