Monday, June 27, 2005

Of randomness and why i study what i do.

I like ideas.I love ideas. i appreciate original ideas.
That's why i didn't take philosophy.


I don't, will not take philosophy.
I don't will not take ethics.

WHy? Not becuase i am afraid of those ideas. Not because i find them hard of complex that
they will confuse me. NO.

I reject them.

I have what i need in the word of the Lord, the Holy Bible. It is my code of ethics, my moral
bedrock. It is my philosophy of life, no it is THE WAY of life, not the mere ramblings of a mad
man in the street or some wizened professor in a cold university.

No. My truths are defined by that which is eternal. HOw can you base your life on something
temporal? YOur eternal soul cannot be limited by man, the body is but a vessel in this time
and age. Man wishes not to be restricted by others, yet he rejects that which is eternal
and seeks to restrict himself with his own ideals and formulations.

I chose not to take those subjects because they are wrong. They represent a direct challenge
to God. The fact that they can be studied would mean that they are impermanent. The idea that
they generate new ideas, is proof of their fallibility. Yet they embrace their fallibility as
proof of their geneality and universality.

All nonsense. The good book is my guide in this life and in the life everlasting. My Lord IS my

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