Thursday, June 30, 2005

Chocolate, Char Kway Teow and a Happy Marriage

Two days ago a very courageous woman wrote in to the newspaper to express her views on marriage. I assum she is Christian for in this present age few religions or people would preach such a cause and believe in it as well. (As pointed by an Indian lady who said that it was time for equality in a marriage).

Allow me to say my 2 cents worth before i get married heh.

Marriage cannot be 50-50. Anyone in the commercial world will tell you, there is no such thing as a corporate merger because you can never have 2 CEOs. It's either a hostile take-over or a favourable offering. (look at SIA and Qantas)

Likewise a marriage is like anyother union. More so than ever with all the pre-nupt non-sense, legal documents, custody, marriage, adultery, marriage is more than ever like a contract. But really, we all start out in life wishing that it wasn't. We all start know wishing what we know a marriage should be, happy and till death do the two of us part and then some.

So why does the bible Ephesians 5:20-33 preach such a strange relationship betwen man and wife if reality is so far from it. The truth is that people do not accept time honoured examples of worked relationships. Men are no longer living up to their duties and women no longer accept that they were created not so much as equals (i'll get into a lot of trouble fr this but i don't care) but as a companion for man. Translate: women were made FOR men and not men and women made for each other.

Am i thus being a conservative and calling for a return of the days where wives were abused (actually research wil tell you that that is a better description of now than before)? NO. I advocate what God teaches.

Women submit to your husbands. Man is WEAK. God must have known that, why else would Adam make those lame excuses about why he ate the forbidden fruit. Man has an EGO. Therefore, women should USE this EGO. Love a man,
submit to him, go so far as to OBEY him. If one thinks that this is a BAD deal look at the opposite.

Husbands, love your wives, JUST AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH. Now, what did Jesus DO for the church? DIE. What does this mean? That husbands are RESPONSIBLE for their wives. They are the protector of their wives.
You think being head of the house is easy? Well think of it this way, if husband is a alcoholic, who suffers? His family and himself. Eventually, family ends up in the rut, do you think said husband is having the time
of his life?

The call for wives to submit to their husbands is simply telling to trade. Let the MAN rule, let his Decisions COUNT. Your role is to serve him and in return should anything go wrong, it is neither your fault nor will you
come to harm if your husband can help it.

For the guys. Really, love your wives. If you love them enough, you won't make stupid decision about money. You won't philandeer. you won't insult her in public. And for this love do you expect anything, well ideally you shouldn't but you would right? So would a submissive wife who gives good counsel but never overrides you be both gratifying and good as well? OF COURSE IT WOULD! you feel good and she's taken care of PERFECT.

NOw lets look at the modern day family. 50-50, everything 50-50. Can there be 50-50 say in everything? Colour of walls? Number of children? Household expenditure? 50-50 marriages spit in the face of holy matrimony.
The term equality already denotes a sense of 2 units under one organisation rather than the total merger of two entities. To be equal in a marriage would mean that both can do as they please. One could even take it in the extreme to mean that as long as the wife still beds with her husband, who she sleeps with in her spare time is really her business, her 50% of the marriage! In a discussion, 50-50 wil ensure that NO argument will end. Because neithe will backdown, all the reprieve
is about is stored ammunition for the next fight.

50-50 absolves responsibility. Becuase neither holds a full stake in the marriage, the failure of the marriage can be blamed on either or neither. Each will push the blame on the other party. union in God places the blame SQUARELY on the shoulders of the man. While in the OLD testament does say that men can divorce their wives, Jesus further clarifies that the law also states that this should be under circumstances of adultery and even then, divorce is not encouraged. Even in the old testament
Hosea followed Gods words and loved his adulterous wife.

So as we can see there are reasons for unions to be the way they are. Two become One is more profound than a spice girls song.

On a lighter note, bought a WHOLE lot of chocolates this afternoon from a sale. Rum and whiskey filled (yes yes alcohol but only a little bit :) ) prime reason. I'm SICK of my family chugging down chocolate like it was the last day of the universe. So i'm going to buy a whole lot and SLOWLY EAT IT.

And waited for 20 minutes for char kway teow which was well average really. Nothing fantastic. Okay portion but that's about it. Oh well that's all

Oh yeah Sonia! If you run out of places to eat just go Amoy if your new work place is near there.

brilliant! go write a book.
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