Friday, May 27, 2005

Day 'don't know which' of temp work

Every morning i'm one of the first people to arrive at the office though i'm on the 2nd shift.

Sometimes i'm early enough that i have to switch on the lights in my office or rather the lights for my cubicle.

Well work in mundane enough i guess. like i said before, if work were ever that fun we would be working for free but that's another story.

Well my cubicle (everytime i think about that i always wonder... where is the commode that's supposed to come with it, lame joke i know) is right next to the door so nodding off is an absolutely NONO. but then again, my cubicle has no walls (such lack of privacy) so doesn't matter where i am in the office (which is one BIG SQUARE so no hidden corners) i can be seen very clearly. Oh well, so much for getting a chance to canoodle with the intern hahahahahahaa!!!!!!So as a result, i've picked up coffee drinking again. *BAD BOY, BAD!*

Ah well, largely doing data entry, and other very simple things that although mundane to some is helping brush up on organising myself. Really i mean, it's partially audtitory in nature so nothing bad in learning a bit more about how to structure how i work right? In anycase, work is fine really, though i do foresee myself possibly becoming a workaholic when i start getting REAL work after studies.

Apart from that life is well, plain. I'm not complaining. I mean if anyone's idea of exiciting worklife is having a boeing 737 crash into your office during peak hours then well i suppose here isn't teh place to be. My office building is rather secluded in a corner of the CBD and if anyone would want to crash a plane into it they'd have to get pass a whole lot of other taller buildings. Plus the building isn't so nice so not worth smashing up. HEH hope nobody reads this as some hidden terrorist sentiments.

Yeah and sometimes work lets up enough for me to get bored( or at least i'm so drained from staring at spread sheets the whole day i decide to slack a bit) enough that i start to read S'pore Ink( internet forum on local and international issues) and have a good laugh at the things that people say.

Can you imagine, my published letter took me 4 minutes to write. I saw that there were 700 word replies deriding me for generalising, acknowledging my good english and calling me misguided. That's what i felt SO funny, they have so much time to write so much on line but what ended up on the newspaper (May 20th life mailbag) was just a paltry quote that people online didn't understand. HEH.
Then i was wondering, all these people have SO much to say, and no one seems to support the GOV (which you mostly know i'm strongly supportive but highly critical). I mean the gov is what gives them the means to blog (small privilege but really it's taken for granted) and here they are commenting on things from a frog in the well's perspective. Some are balanced and well written but in all honesty are wasted on a forum that lacks substance (especially since the contributors seem to think that the f-word is a proper word to describe anything from being nice to being bad).
Seriously i understand why the Gov wants people to join politics if they have a view. With only 4 million people in this little island, every bloke has an opinion, but no one with the guts to act on it. As a result, more blokes will just spout hot air and nothing will get done. Everyone ends up unhappy. I suppose we can't really avoid a strong voice of dissent simple because we do not have the capacity for it. Larger countries can have a voice because they are much more diverse due to larger populations and even with a few twits shooting off their mouths there are always a pool of eager people looking to make it into the public service and do something about it.

Ah well then there's NS but i think i'll talk about that other time.Oh look time to start work . take care you all

You will not be a workaholic. I shall see to it personally.
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