Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The cruxifiction of the Lord is upon all our heads not just the Jews

Just this morning i heard a very interesting comment that has incited wars, started massacres, driven movements and more. "But the jews killed Jesus."

Perhaps this is so from the onstart, yes the Jews did crucify Jesus, they could have freed him but they chose to free a murderer and to crucify Jesus.

However, did Jesus not say that it was the Father's will that He die? IF that is so, any one of the people's on earth could have been the hand that crucified Jesus.

At the same time, to look upon the sin of the Jews in crucifying Jesus and not to consider the purpose of the death of Jesus is to divorce God's plan from the actions of humans.

Jesus died to cleanse ALL, not the jews not the christian, but ALL of humanities sins. According to God's design He HAD to die, for only he was worthy of sacrifice that all would be forgiven. For Jesus had no sin, and because he died, we not have a way of attaining eternal life.

We all crucified him. Each time we sin, each time we disobey it is another strike to the nails that are driven into his hands and feet. For if we do not sin, then Jesus would not have to die. The jews were just there, the in
instrument of God in demonstrating his grace. unfortunate that they should be the ones, but being the privileged chosen people of God, i guess there was no one really fitting. To be betrayed by his disciple, then his own people and finally by all humanity we can only just begin to even understand the pain felt by our lord.

Perhaps our constant villifying of the jews just goes to hide a deep seated regret and acknowledgement of our own sins. That we wish to push the blame on another race or people and subsequently be washed free of guilt.

Ironic isn't it that we have been washed free of sin, we are no longer held by the chains of sin. we only have to accept this wonderful gift of His. Perhaps when God said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, life for a life
he would lay down the ultimate example by laying down his son's life for ours.

I feel sad just to type this because i fell the sin in me. I'm not doing much about it really. that sucks how shall i redeem myself in thy sight oh lord.

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