Monday, December 27, 2004

Christmas Come and Gone, 2000 years, 20 years, it's all the same

Now that Christmas has gone perhaps it's time to well, reflect.

2004 years ago, Christ was born.

2004 year later, i'm celebrating his birthday.

And yet, as it was an impact 2004 years ago, the same story has an impact on me even after hearing it for 20 years.

The story is simple.

Although the date is unclear, the year unclear the story no i shouldn't say story, the account is still the same.

That God one day, sent His only Son down to earth and be born as a MORTAL baby.

Now the issue is not so much of His Son just coming down. In chinese history you have very similar stories of emperors who xia4 fan2 (come down to the common world) in disguises to experience the world for themselves. Or a parallel can be drawn to the prince and the pauper, spoilt prince longs to see the outside world.

But a large difference comes in the motive.

FOr the prince and the emperors, their want to see the outside world, toe step out of their comfort zone was to satisfy their boredom, to quench their curosity. They did so, out of selfish reasons. Of course the story always ends with the royalty learning some lessons after going through an ordeal and then returning as a more benevolent ruler.
That's all well and good, because there is a happy ending. The Emperors had body guards and guides, the Prince had the pauper.

Now reverse all that. What if the ending had the emperor willingly sacrificing himself for his people? What is the prince willingly put his life ont he line for the people? WOuld that happen? Could a mere MAN do that?

NO, a mere MAN couldn't. But Jesus, Son of Man, God who made himself man, who came to earth not to rule, not to live, but to eventually die, did.
He did not come down to enjoy himself, no enrich his knowledge. He came down to DIE.
Can you imagine, to be born and immediately have the knowledge that one day he would be called upon to give up his life for his enemies? Could you do that?

year after year, at Christmas, i am not reminded of the joy of the birth, nor the gift that God has given us. All that is evident. I am reminded of God's LOVE. God's LOVE that he would sacrifice his own to suffer the greatest trangression for us who do not Love Him.

Would you sacrifice your own child, your ONLY child for the sins of your enemy?
It is that great love that i am reminded of. That i, one who is not worthy of anything, one what has sinned, who has turned my back on God, yet he loves me SO much. God loved me so much that even though he knew i would not love Him, that i would turn my back on him, he sent HIS only Son, to die on the cross. So that i would be saved before i was born. That i would be able to enjoy his fellowship in this life and the eternal life beyond.

This gift is given to all. Before you and i were born, God gave us a gift. We only have to accept this free gift; to believe that it is free and it will set us free, and we will be able to enjoy his promises.

Therefore, accept this gift it is yours.

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