Sunday, November 14, 2004

The Valley Of Dissapointment

Let us look at Elijah in 1 Kings.

For those of you who do not know, Elijah was a prophet during a turbulent part of Israel's history.
He fought not only against the enemies of the Jews he also fought the Jews themselves as well.
In his time, the Jews had taken to worshipping the idol Baal, the god of Jezebel, the queen.

In a great display of faith and God's power, Elijah proved God's sovereignty to the Jews. He challenged 450 of Baal's priests in a show of strength. Where they failed, he managed to call on God to rain fire down from heaven and to incinerate an offering that had been soaked in water.

After such a grand demonstration, Elijah thought that he had finally turned the deviant hearts of the Jews back to God. But he was wrong, instead, Jezebel the queen managed to turn the hearts of the Jews back again and subsequently even put a contract out for Elijah's life.

Imagine the dissapointment that Elijah felt. From the great prophet he was, from the great acts that he performed in God's name, he was now a fugitive from both his people and his enemies.
He ran to somewhere called Mount Carmel, and what would ahve normally taken 4 days, Elijah wandered around for 40 days! perhaps, God wanted Elijah to sort out his thoughts. For when God first approached him, Elijahs first response was to ask God why God had not turned the hearts of the Jews. He complained of his pitifulness of being chased. And how did God respond?

God told Elijah to come out of a cave as He would be passing by the opening. Imagine, Elijah experienced, thundering winds, an earthquake, and a fire and he would have expected God to come in those but God did not. Instead, God came in a soft whisper. Perhaps God was telling Elijah, that God always has the best way of doing things, not all things had to be done in a grandiose way and that Man's idea of a good way for things to happen is not really the best.

Disappointment is borne out of expectation. Many a times we expect something to happen purely coz we have put in that effort. And when things do not turn out as we expect we become downcast. There is nothing wrong to have expectiations but when he start to expect life so much that is practically becomes a demand then wen the dissapointment comes we end up being so preoccupied with the dissapointment. The key is to not get stuck. Like the U2 song 'you got to get yourself together, you got yourself stuck in a moment, and you can't get out of it'.
We get os lost in that moment of dissapointment and self pity that when the answer and solution presents itself to us we usually miss it. Like Jesus's disciples on the road to Immaeus, they were so filled with dissapointment when they saw the empty tomb that they did not even recognise Jesus when he joined them, walked with them and taught them.

God has a better way, one more perfect than what we can think of, so pick yourself up and say a prayer and God will come to you, one way or another.

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