Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I am really weird

Okay so i'm stuck out in the Austrailian outback with nothing to do. So what happens i start thinking, really really thinking and then as usual, my idle mind just starts conjuring up absolutely irrelevant thoughts. To make things worst, they are really really far fetched to the point that i start wondering if i am sane.

I actually freak myself out!


Anyhow yeah it was rather alarming.

Anyway more about my trip.

Well basically i shall bitch here coz i could tell you guys how my trip was (the nice bits) by word of mouth but it'd be very hard for me to not swear if i did bitch so here goes.

Basically i got treated like trash.

And i really mean like trash

I'm a 2LT, OFFICER, there are certain things that i slogged at for 9 months so that i wouldn't have to do them every again, but NO, just when i thought i was out of it, they DRAW me back in.

These are some of the things that i did,
1. clean tables
2. clear trash
3. pass messages
4. watch over vehicles
5. set up tentages
6. do water runs (i.e. get water)
7. run around looking for people who are of a lower rank than me (and much lower for that matter)
8. get totally forgotten but end up having to tidy up all the loose ends

SO essentially i was reduced to a highly trained MAN. Which i am NOT! I'm and OFFICER. I LEAD! Bad enough my stupid boss drags me 7000 miles to australia after having dragged me all the way to our unit to be and EXTRA officer. BLasted hell, and then i get nothing to do or even a post damn it!

Okay this may offend some of you but basically i'm the unit Project Officer (PO), i've now officially dubbed it the Prostituted Officer, where everyone just calls me to do their bidding. What;s worse i don't even get pain for it. I was essentially a slave.

To make matters worst, because of my lack of post, the other junior officers partricularly one b**tard who entered the unit later than me, thinks he can boss me around to do his job.

At this moment i pause to curse, swear, mutter and generally go wild.

Okay, now that i'm composed and calm i shall continue. So basically that's my main axe to grind. Dun care to elaborate. Yeah so basically my whle trip was one big sore bitching session. It really sucked if you look at it one way, coz things just didn't go well for ANYONE. Lots of incidents happend, it's a miracle that nothing major occured, even Doctor was surprised that no one like died or something.
imagine, some of the men didn't have warm clothing but they had no choice but to sleep in the freezing night out in the open because of somebody's cock up and then his in ability to see the folly of his ways. (The night temp that night was about 6 degrees and it was VERY WINDY)

Yah so yes it was rather crappy but the nice things made up for the lousy bits.

Oh yeah update on my shoulder, finally going to see an orthopaedic about it.

Yup that's aobut all.... i've got to start writing more concrete entrees

see you!

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