Friday, November 12, 2004

The Deal With Job

No i'm not talking about my job, i'm talking about Job, the guy who got tormented by Satan but withstood the urge to curse God

Many people think of Job as some kind of superman human who endured the worst of all hardships and eventually was rwarded by God for his faithfulness. That picture is half-right.
in fact, many people have the misconception that Job did not complain for 41 chapters. Wrong again.

The truth is that the final 4 chapters of the book, feature God rebuking Job for questioning God.
One would think that God would be happy enough that Job had not cursed his name, for that is what Satan had challenged Him. Yes God was happy that Job resisted cursing the name of the Lord and rightfully rewarded him in the end. However, God was not happy with Job's questioning which is what many of us tend to do. We may not outrightly comdemn the name of the Lord (it's something called blasphemy for which it would be unpardonable), but we indirectly challenge God's supremenous by questioning the reason why things happen.

Now as I have pointed out before in previous entries, we should cry out when we are in need or in pain, no sense it forcing ourselves to be content with the suffering and then think that we should carry on on our own strength. No we should cry out to the Lord for deliverance.

What Job did on the other hand was to lament as to why God did all the nasty things to him, like kill his livestock and his children. In reply to this God did not give Job a direct answer, in fact He answered in a way that many of us find irritating but it does indeed help us to answer our own ignorant question.

God put forth to Job questions with regards to who was the creator, who moved the sun and the stars, who held power over life and death. When Job answered this (straight forward answers) he realised the immensity and greatness that was God. God wasn't just someone pulling the strings of our life, he created and controlled all. He was the Almighty and His ways are really not for us to understand.

He will guide us and show us the way, and we can only lean our faith and his faithfulness to bring us through.
many a times, we fret over not having control in life. We envy others, and are frustrated as to why we cannot have the lifestyle of those we envy. Likewise, there are things which God has put in place that we 'disagree' with but ultimately it is for our own good.

We should cry out for help and not lament on our 'misfortunes', who are we to question the great plan? Have you ever thought back and realised that life has been good to you. Or that you cannot imagine how life would turn out if things had gone totally your way? Think about it and maybe you would be able to see the perfect plan of God unravel in front of you.

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