Sunday, October 03, 2004

What I don't have...

I was just taking stock of what i don't have in life:

1. fashion sense (i am possibly the only 20 yr old guy on this planet whose wardrobe is totally picked out by his parents. Dun blame me, i'd rather they pick so that i dun pay heh plus they say i have bad taste)

2. i dun have taste (at least according to my parents)

3. a good hair style, or rather i refuse to style it coz it's short and frankly quite un manageable, if i'm not wrong i didn't comb my hair for most of jc.

4. time to do all the things i want

5. good spectacles, still wearing the pair that got so scratched the last time i went australia. can't see clearly through it but some how they are rather indestructible.

6. cash, yeah i'm broke there. what else can i say

7. a functional body, my knees are battered, my joints have been sprained or dislocated one way or another, i've got lousy hand eye coordination, i gain weight very easily, i've got flat feet, thick fingers hmm....

8. sense of humour..... i can't joke, okay i can't tell good jokes...... i can tell funny stories...... if that makes up for it .....

9. intelligence... getting progressively stupid nowadays, brain cells got shot from all the loud noises i have to put up with for the past 1 year and nine months

10. faith, i believe in God, but somehow i fail to have enough faith that he will pull me through, i lack that faith to do things for him, i just don't ahve it in me. So sian, just want time for myself, yet sigh, could do so much but i don't ........

dun have lots of things

yet i'm still very grateful for the things i do have like my family, great friends, clean air and peace of mind. i'm very very blessed :)

here's a little song.

When we all see what we should see
All we should see is the good we know
That others do for us and show them our

Everything we call our own is only what we have been given
If we see life selfishly we give up on the the joy of giving.....


okay so i'm going round the bend again

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