Sunday, October 10, 2004

Life in flux

I'm listening to Utada Hikaru right now... Very nice :)

My life is in flux at the very moment.
I'm having mood swings, am i'm PMSing??
Stupid question....
But really, somehow i feel more 15 then i did 5 years ago. I'm more rebellious, more anti-social, more unreasonable than ever.

I snap at people, it's not that i've changed, but suddenly this new me is not an improvement or a progressive change but a total retrogression to what i was before or rather kinda skipped.

I always wondered why i never went through the rebellious taht my mother predicited i would given my nature. I used to be rather pleasnt, now i'm a monster. I brood almost all the time, i eye people with malicious stares.
I read a poster in the MRT yesterday; it was about psychosis. It mentioned that the symptoms were thinking that people were against me, smiling and talking to myself, not caring about my appearance, mood swings to name a few. They all seemed to fit me. I'm getting worried. Maybe i am sick, maybe there really is something wrong. I really hope there is, coz realy, i hope that what i am now isn't what i will remain. SIGH

i need to change, i don't want to be some hideous beast...... SAVE ME! i'm drowning in my own quagmire of doom. .........

i'm falling
falling down.


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