Sunday, September 05, 2004

What's your problem?

This isn't your typical snub.

IT's not he simple "what's your problem!" we give when we we are offended nor is it the "si mi dai ji" we tell our friends as a form of greeting.

No it's is a very serious question. What is your problem?

SOme of the people who have known me all of my life think that i am problem free. I would think that many of the people you interact with probably think the same about you? To them, i'm the kid who doesn't skip church much, always smiles, does what he is told, is helpful, respectful of his parents, does okay in school, has not disciplinarian problems and is generally on the right track in life.

Or am I?

How many of your friends, relatives who should by all counts know you pretty well actually know you? Do they ask you, what is your problem? DO you yourself even know what your problem is?

All the time you walk around not just with a mask but a whole new persona? YOu're not you! YOU're just someone that you think others are looking for? YOU have a problem, someone out there would like to help, maybe you haven't found them maybe you have? i don't know. But i sure hope that you find them soon.

GO out, find that some one and hope they ask, what is your problem today?

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