Sunday, September 26, 2004

21 and on

3 hours and 13 minutes. That's how long it took.
3 bleeding hour of absolute pain and torture, that's how long it took for me to finish the blasted half marathon. It hur. it really really hurt.

My stupid knee gave way and well that's about all that happenend.

Ran, knee hurt, walked rest of the way, knee still hurts.

Lesson learnt? Can't run long distance, as if i didn't know that a lot time ago.

Anyhow now that my knee is busted i shall limp around some more.

I am officially both physically and mentally LAME hahahahahaha!

okay bad one there.


Sunday, September 19, 2004

Not sure if i've talked about this before

Oh yes that HUGE word that looms over most of us. OH YES LONELINESS!

SO what do we do about it. Well not much we can really because seriously, if you're alone and no one is with you then there isn't anyone to help you....... or is there?

May i propose something.

Perhaps when you get lonely you think no one is there, no one out there, no one for you there. well not quite. I'm quite sure that i know the people who actually read this blog so i think i can safely say this. You're not alone.

Why? Coz i'm praying for you. Just as i don't feel alone as i know that there are aleast 2 'fairy god mothers' praying for me. Like wise i would like to tell you that i'm praying for you. And whether you believe it or not, i'm sure that God hears my prayers and he is there with you.

Have a nice day. :)

Friday, September 17, 2004

the megoblog about the MOON, BIRTHDAYS and HAPPY EVER AFTER

Who remembers yor birthday?
No this isn't to make you suddenly start taking stock of life and wondering. I was just thinking, are you glad when anyone remembers your birthday or is it significant that particular people remember your birthday?
What kind of gifts do you get? DO you get any at all? And does the giver affect the way you perceive the gift?

Birthdays are very special things not simply because they come once a year. Then that would put it in the same league as all the other days of the year. No, it is special because it is the one day life becomes well, yours! It is your life on your day, where you make the rules. YOur day.
And it is on this day that you get the most special of things. NOt of Christmas or New Year, not valentine's day or anniversaries, no the most special things come on birthdays.

SO on this birthday if someone were to come to you and to give you the moon, would you except?
We often hear of people demanding the moon. But how about people offering? There are those who say that they would fly to the moon, or jump over the moon etc. But how about actually giving one?
What if some nice person (okay let's make it a guy then, having a girl say it is like well, the guys looks like a fool), were to come up and say to a girl, 'Dear miss, i would like to offer you the moon. Just stretch out your hand and say that you accept and it would be yours" I wonder what the girl would do? The idea is so ridiculous that well. I dunno it's really ridiculous!But nice, right?
Tell me i'm wrong then.

And suppose she were to accept, the whole magic of the event would basically spell um happily ever after? I mean mad guy with ridiculous offer, and equally mad girl who accepts (it's a bit like believing someone who says 'i'll make you the president of a small pacific island') things might just go well!

Which brings me to my final point: Happily ever after. Does it exist? (Silly me, of course it doesn't it's not possible!)And that's just plain wrong. No, happily ever after does not happen that i admit but not because it is not possible but it is impractical.

Emotions are a relative thing not an absolute commodity. you can't call upon your mind to conjure up happiness or sadness. You can't. YOu can't feel angry unless you've felt calm. If you always felt one way you then cease to feel. That emotion either becomes you or it ceases to be an emotion because it doesn't change. YOu can't be one emotion forever, it becomes a character trait or worse it becomes so normal to you that you become numb to it and it ceases to be significant. We are angry because we want to show our displeasure, we get jealous becuase we feel hurt to a certain degree.
So emotions are just extremes with opposites. We can't feel one without feeling it's opposite. SO happily ever after will not help anyone. By getting hurt we will know what it means to love, from being sad we will know what true happines, from being angry we will know what it means to be grateful. Happily ever after would create a stale marriage or life as compared with one where the highs are so sweet they cancel out the lows almost immediately.
That si why we can't live happily ever after, to live a life we must experience botht eh lows and the highs.
Take stock and amybe you might see that every low led to a high!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Birthdays and the moon

Hi thought for the day,
who remembers your birthday?
And would you like the moon?

Sunday, September 05, 2004

What's your problem?

This isn't your typical snub.

IT's not he simple "what's your problem!" we give when we we are offended nor is it the "si mi dai ji" we tell our friends as a form of greeting.

No it's is a very serious question. What is your problem?

SOme of the people who have known me all of my life think that i am problem free. I would think that many of the people you interact with probably think the same about you? To them, i'm the kid who doesn't skip church much, always smiles, does what he is told, is helpful, respectful of his parents, does okay in school, has not disciplinarian problems and is generally on the right track in life.

Or am I?

How many of your friends, relatives who should by all counts know you pretty well actually know you? Do they ask you, what is your problem? DO you yourself even know what your problem is?

All the time you walk around not just with a mask but a whole new persona? YOu're not you! YOU're just someone that you think others are looking for? YOU have a problem, someone out there would like to help, maybe you haven't found them maybe you have? i don't know. But i sure hope that you find them soon.

GO out, find that some one and hope they ask, what is your problem today?