Sunday, August 15, 2004

Turning 20

This week had started off as the worst one of my life. Really really bad. Don't want to elaborate coz i dun want to ruin the rest of the evening or what left of my birthday.

Anyway, it started out bad and then i went to church for a prayer meeting and i think God really lifted my spirits.
The next day while out for lunch with my parents, then going to church then dinner with friends, i felt much better. Yeah i'm still sore but i'm okay.

Anyhow, God taught me something yesterday.
Basically, Camp isn't really a Godly place and more often than not i forget to do quiet time or totally neglect it. Sure i pray but it's something else that i do that makes things worst. I call it "Self creating God".

I think that 2nd generation Christians do face this problem. When we stop featuring God as a priority, we usually do so thinking that since we already know "our stuff" we basically can do without a day or two of devotion and time with God. What's worse, i realised that i had been substituting meditation on God's word with formulating my own answers to life. Sure in the broad sense i wasn't doing anything wrong but looking closely i realised that what i was doing was inviting the devil to input ideas into my head. What i did was thinking about God in a rational way, or rather i was using my minute knowledge of God's teaching to guide my life rather than his true word. God was calling me to come back to his word. To go back to what was true and real. And that i had been drifting.


And well about my birthday, heh, LOTS OF MEAT!!!

Went to Lawry's and had their prime rib that was 250g of meat and boy was i stuffed. eat and eat! STUFFED FAT KID!!!! Plus they also threw in a buffet! And the food was really really GOOD! WOO HOO! Well worth the 73 bucks heh. yes yes it's exhorbitant but oh well i'ts only once a year!

LAter went for dinner, and so nice to be with friends after having to tolerate backstabbing a**holes. The genuine and sincere company of close friends. So rare and hard to find.
I'm rather conten right now. Of course there are certain things that could be better but oh well you can't win them all.



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