Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Girls and Guys as friends

I always wondered, as a guy who would make a better friend?
Girls or guys?
I have good friends of both genders so its hard to say.

It is rather hard to compare really. In some ways both genders contribute to some aspect of life.

It's really a pro and con thing. Hmm.....

I watched the village as i must have said before. It's pretty good. Hmm shall talk about fears soon too!

Anyway yes, so a battle of the sexes to the individual...

So let's talk about guys as friends then. Guys are.... honest or at least straight forward. Well, that's the case most of the time. And as everyone says, it's a double edged sword.

Sometimes you feel like punching the guy's teeth out coz he just doesn't know when to shut up or he just lets loose one stupid comment. On the other hand, it's kinda good when they just get it over and done with rather than keeping quiet. Things get done much faster sometimes.

Guys are disgustingly filthy. Explanation. My roommates. We come back from rolling around in the mud during a close combat lesson and the first thing they do? they walk right into the room muddy boots and all.
Then they throw their dirty uniforms all over the place. To make things worse, they dun wash their uniforms and even use it another day for another lesson. Posibbly what is more gross is that they don't even attempt to wash the mud off their uniforms, they just throw it in the washing machine, goodness, where did civic mindedness go too? AND AND they hang their disgustingly sweaty clothes in the room to air and they wear the same uniform for more that a week! GROSS. I've mentioned this all before but yeah it's gross. So that's what i ratehr detest about most guys, I can tolerate slobs coz i'm pretty much one but hygiene is another thing.

So yes guys are gross.

Now girls on the other hand are pretty much the other side of the coin. With regards to the cleanliness, well, their clean to say the least. And really, even hygiene freaks like me are pigs compared to them so that's at least one thing that can be appreciated. What else is good about them? Well their female heh. So yeah i'm male. Heh. so you get the idea...... NOT. HAHA but i think that all guys would agree with me that female companionship on whatever level is in some ways a lot nicer than guy companionship. (Maybe we're scared we might start turning gay. But on the other hand hanging out with girls might just turn one into one so yeah, one never knows)
Anyhow so the gender thing is one big factor.

But what do i really like about girls? Sensitivity. There are very very few guys i can "talk" to. I do have a few, but really, there are very very few. Girls on the other hand, well it's easier somehow. Dunno why, i suppose that even though amongst guys we thend to solve each others problems either by making lewd remarks or laughing it of with ridiculous banter. SO yeah, in some ways, being with girls does help one feel more human, while guys kinda just reinforce the fact taht we're all a bunch of organic capacitors and see how long we can charge before we suddenly unlease all the pent up frustrations in a seismic blowout.

But it is this sensitivity that makes me uncomfortable around them sometimes. Their sensitivity can lead to well simply them hiding the truth. Of course i am thankful for the tactfulness but really you can't help but wonder,' what is it that she is really thinking?', or "what is she wanting to say?".

Make no mistake, i am neither lamenting of my own gender nor am i commenting on the opposite sex. just one of my wanderings off into space. Hopefully this doesn't jeopardise the relationships i have with friends on both sides.

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