Saturday, July 03, 2004

Once all over again

Perhaps this is how the perfect love letter should be. That each time the pen meets the paper, it should be just that; Once All Over Again.

After some deep thought, i realise that really, the content of the letter or rather what it's purpose, context or intent be, is unimportant.

In fact, it can be a whole lot of gibberish, it can link the two minds, it can just be sweet nothings, it could use the most perfect of words and it would cease to be a love letter, if it did not do one thing: Make the reader feel special.

Eloquence can flatter, but it can never make the heart believe. What the heart instead thinks is that even though it knows that genuine feelings are lacking, but it would rather take a substitute rather than have nothing at all.

A letter that links two minds can mean nothing more than two friends who understand each other very well. A letter such as this is nothing more than a mutual understanding.

And if it merely conveyed a message, waht kind of a letter would that be? It could easily be a lie as it would be a expressions of love.

No the perfect love letter is one that is selfless. Whose sole purpose is not to tell the reader who much the writer loves the former, but to just convey the simple message, that as the first time, as always, the reader is a special person. Special to the writer in a way that no one else is. That is how it should be.

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