Saturday, July 24, 2004

The Individuality of Insanity

This is the 3rd time i am trying to finish this entry without the stupid comp crashing on me.

Well yeah, anyway, haven't written in ages, the excuse? parade parade parade, and that's pretty much it, parade all the way.

So yes let's talk about insanity. Or maybe we'll talk about individuality instead. Nice sane topic isn't it.

What does being and individual mean? What does it entail?

What makes an individual? Does he determine his own individuality or is defined? So maybe individuality is not so much how you see yourself, a birth given possession but rather it's a coat that you wear that those whose existence parallels yours give you.

Or maybe, like us humans, individuality is more of a relative idea. Where your individualitiness is defined by how you fit in or stand out? For example, the Arab with his turban and beard would stick out in south easter china while you probably couldn't tell a drunk america from a drunk german in an irish pub.

Take for example, walking down a street. Some of us are 'avoiders' we walk such that we don't bang into anyone or rather we avoid the 'bangers' who feel they own the sidewalk which tend to be the majority. So are we individuals in that we choose to be a minority or are we no more unique as the next avoider down th street?

I think that true individuality comes in insanity.

The insane are alone. Largely, they cannot or seldom communicate with the world, or rather the world where we live in, what world they are on is another matter.

Insanity in distinctly unique. Ever wondered why mental conditions have so many variations, names and grey areas? It is simply because no two patients have the same illness. Unlike heart disease where the symptoms and results are very much similar or identical, mental patients are basically like fingerprints.

You know that patient A id different from patient B because A raves about invisible venus fly traps while patient B believes that the world is a giant chicken egg and that the current global warming is just a sign of the end of the earth when the egg cracks. But heart patient C and hear patient D both need triple bypasses due to a clogged aorta.

And what about belonging to a community,. Insanity has no community. Do they communicate with each other? Do they interact with each other? Even if they were segregated, their communication is very much like ours limited to the everyday conversations. When they lapse into their bouts of insanity they cease to communicaste with each other. Therefore they are well and truly on their own.

Which brings us back to our own individuality. I'm rather proud to be half nuts heh. Quite seriously i think i'm one of a kind because of my 'insanity'. The sense that i am unpredictable, surprising and downright shocking in some aspects is very amusing to say the least. I live well in the knowledge that i am perfectly capable in living in my own little world heh. Hermit in by my ownh hallucinations of my very very convulated mind. haha

well this essay is turning is very bad coz i'm tired and all train of thought was lost when the computer crashed the second time round. heh

Oh well

how much of an individual are you?

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