Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The things you want to say

Now that i've extablished that songs are merely just other people saying what you want to hear what about the things that you want to say?

That's what books are for. More often than not, none of us can come up with nice things to say to each other. We rack our brains and then realise that really we aren't as creative as we thought ourselves to be. Of course some of you would dispute my previous entry by saying that songs are what we want to say not hear. Wrong, often the words in songs are so known by everyone else in the world that you are un likely to want to say it to anyone for fear of being told that you are cliche.

On the other hand, not everyone reads the same books. yes there are popular books but really, how many people read and memorise lines from books and go around mumbling them in their heads while tapping their feet to the rhythmless way they mouth out the words. So there, the chances of someone having read some nice meaningful line ( i concede, anyone who uses shakespeare is cliche, and quotes from famous personalities are just plain bland) that you just used is so well, low.

So yes, we read books not because their interesting but because booksa are what make up our speech, what we say and the ideas that we try to convey.

I guess after such a long ramble you'd be asking what's the point.


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